Central Main Celebration of the 27th Anniversary of the Founding of Nova Roma with a Roman ceremony and a small banquet, held with the censor of Nova Roma, M. Aurelius Cotta Iovius. The event is co-organized with the legatus pro praetore of Provincia Pannonia, Cn. Cornelius Lentulus and the duumviri of Aquincum, D. Septimius Ursus and L. Hortensia Theodora, and it serves as the central main celebration event of Nova Roma internationally, and also as the celebration of Provincia Pannonia and of the Colonia Aquincum community. This event serves also as the the official anniversary celebration event for all provinces under the imperium of dux, legatus, proquaestor pro praetore Cn. Lentulus. The event is part of the Ludi Novi Romani held by aediles curules Ap. Curius Rullus and L. Calpurnius Bestia.The gathering starts at 1:00 PM in the archaeological park of the Aquincum Museum (Budapest, Hungary). The sacrificial ceremony is scheduled to start at 2:00 PM, and it will be held at the forum altar among the ruins of Aquincum, where a gladiatorial game is scheduled to take place. After this, the session of the comitia of the Colonia Cornelia Aquincensium will be held, as an intermezzo of the celebrations.
The event will be concluded with a ludi competition, playful game to start the Ludi Novi Romani with, and a festive banquette, with wine and food.
Entry to the museum is free for the citizens of Nova Roma, those guests who are not citizens shall buy a museum ticket. If you are a citizen and you want to come, please contact the governor Cn. Cornelius Lentulus (Attila Gonda), the chief host, and he will add your name to the list of those who get free entrance.
Ex officio invited are the following groups of Nova Roma in Pannonia:
- Legio XXI Rapax Pannonica
- Legio II Adiutrix
- Legio Leonum Valentiniani
- Lanciarii Savarienses
- Cohors I Ulpia Pannoniorum
- Cohors I Atilia
- Cohors VI Carpathica of Colonia Rostallo,
- Ludus Gladiatorum "Aquincum"
- Familia Gladiatoria
- Lumen Mundi
- Naiades Danubianae
Event Venue & Nearby Stays
Aquincumi Múzeum (Hivatalos oldal/Official site), Szentendrei út 135.,Budapest, Hungary