Register now for our Community Yard Sale at the Church Hill Park! Secure your spot to sell your gently used items such as clothing, household items, furniture, electronics, and toys. No selling of firearms, food, drinks, or re-selling recalled items/products.We provide the space; you provide everything else. No late set-ups or early break downs. Community Yard Sale is from 7AM-11AM; vendor set-up is 6AM-7AM. Clean-up must be completed by noon; no items left behind. Donation truck, trash truck or both on-site for your convenience.
Registration fee of $10 for a 20'x10' space (2 parking spaces to sell in and 1 for your vehicle).
Registration Deadline: April 27, 2025
Rain Date: Saturday, May 17, 2025
To register call 410-758-0835 or visit
Event Venue & Nearby Stays
Church Hill Park, 1130 Sudlersville Rd, Sudlersville, MD 21623-1210, United States,Church Hill, Maryland