This hilarious comedy show features comedy played as a sport. Teams of comedians compete for laughter, love, and points that count.About this Event
Comedy...played as a sport!
100% improvised, 100% family-friendly, 100% hilarious...this comedy show features two teams of comedians competing against each other for the big prize--your laughter--with games built on your suggestions. All in the Club Room at Pinballz - Lake Creek.
Every game is made up on-the-spot, fit for families, folks, friends, and fanz of all ages. Guaranteed laughs, guaranteed family friendly. Perfect for a date night out, some alone time with laughing strangers, or with the whole family.
Each show features improvised comedy scenes, songs, and shenanigans in high-stakes comedy competition.
Event Venue & Nearby Stays
Pinballz - Lake Creek, 13729 Research Blvd, Austin, United States
USD 19.32