Come (back) to your senses, woman! with Klara

Wed, 26 Mar, 2025 at 08:00 pm UTC+00:00

Yoga Shala Reykjavík | Reykjavík

Yoga shala Reykjav\u00edk
Publisher/HostYoga shala Reykjavík
Come (back) to your senses, woman! with Klara This is a transformative journey of stepping into a sacred space of healing, empowerment and connection, guided by Klara Kalkusova. A two-month-long course that invites women of all ages to explore the depths of their emotions, reclaim their sensuality, and create a profound sense of safety within their bodies.
The course is guided by practices rooted in the wisdom of Tantra and fused with contemporary trauma research. You will begin a process of deep rewiring and transformation. Together, we will nurture your nervous system, awaken your innate sensuality, and foster emotional intelligence — all in a safe, supportive environment.
Tantra is often misunderstood as being only about sex when in reality it is a rich tradition and the core of Tantra is about expanding awareness and embracing life fully.
"Come back to your senses, woman!" has been used for generations almost as an insult, a suggestion that you need to begin to think in a sensible way. Well... we are turning it around - stop thinking sensibly and start feeling, become sensitised (again)!
What if knowing the vastness of your own emotional landscape and coming to senses and sensuality was your very true essence, your superpower and your birthright?
And what if all of this was happening in a nervous system that is safe at its core ?
The course will take place over two months from March 26TH to May 28th with the total duration of 40 hours. The classes will be taught on Mondays and Wednesdays at 8PM to 10PM at Yoga Shala Reykjavík, Skeifunni 7. The price is 132.000 kr with a early bird price of 99.000 kr valid until 8th of March.
To apply to the course send an email to [email protected] with your name and a short intro into why you're interested in enrolling for this journey.
Further information can be found at:

Event Venue

Yoga Shala Reykjavík, Skeifan 7, 108 Reykjavíkurborg, Ísland,Reykjavík, Iceland


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