After our first edition kickoff of CMTD. events we are proud to announce our new guest - Franco Rossi. Franco Rossi is a DJ/Producer hailing from Cordoba, Argentina. As a resident of TERRAFURIA Events and the founder of Xelima Records, he has established himself in the music scene. Over the past few years, he has shared the stage with renowned artists like Richie Hawtin, Nina Kraviz, FJAAK, Perc, Zadig and many more.
His releases can be found on labels such as Secession, BCCO, Diffuse Reality, Subsist, and Xelima Records. Known for his raw, deep, and hypnotic productions, as well as his skill in delivering fast-paced and solid mixes, Franco Rossi's music has garnered support from the likes of DVS1, MARRØN, Setaoc Mass, Lyric (GER) and others. Notably, his tracks have resonated in renowned venues like Berghain, Bassiani, FOLD, Printworks to name a few.
Our mission is to bring local guests who share similar vision to music on as many events as we can. This time we are happy to invite Yvonne, Zagreb’s well established DJ and producer whose great music could’ve been heard around the region in the past few years.
Start: 23.00
Ticket price: 12 EUR before midnight, 14 EUR after
Come early, stay late!
Nakon našeg prvog CMTD. eventa s ponosom najavljujemo našeg novog gosta - Franca Rossija.
Franco Rossi je DJ i producent iz Cordobe, Argentine. Kao rezident događaja TERRAFURIA i osnivač Xelima Recordsa, uspostavio je svoje ime u glazbenoj sceni. Posljednjih nekoliko godina dijelio je pozornicu s poznatim umjetnicima poput Richieja Hawtina, Nine Kraviz, FJAAK-a, Perca, Zadiga i mnogih drugih.
Njegove izdanja mogu se naći na etiketama kao što su Secession, BCCO, Diffuse Reality, Subsist i Xelima Records. Poznat je po svojim sirovim, dubokim i hipnotičkim produkcijama, kao i po vještini brzog i kvalitetnog miksanja. Glazba Franca Rossija dobila je podršku od umjetnika poput DVS1, MARRØN-a, Setaoc Massa, Lyrica (GER) i drugih. Njegova izdanja odjeknula su na poznatim mjestima poput Berghaina, Bassianija, FOLD-a, Printworksa i drugih.
Naša je misija dovesti lokalne goste koji dijele sličnu viziju glazbe na što više događaja. Ovaj put s veseljem pozivamo Yvonne, etabliranu zagrebačku DJ-icu i producenticu čiju se sjajnu glazbu moglo čuti po regiji u posljednjih nekoliko godina.
Početak: 23.00 Cijena ulaznice: 12 EUR prije ponoći, 14 EUR nakon
Event Venue & Nearby Stays
Ulica grada Vukovara 68, Zagreb, Croatia