There will be 5 stops for the Poker run. Winner gets two racks of ribs and a T-shirt.
Poker Run: Check in at 10:30 am to register, collect your first bead and get the map of the stops. Motorcycles, Jeeps, regular cars, classic cars are ALL WELCOME TO PARTICIPATE.
Classic Car Show: 10:30 registration and awards around 2-3pm.
Divisions: 30-40's: 50's: 60's" and 70's on up Classic Trucks and cars are welcome. Prizes given to 1st place in each Category.
Registration is $30 for the Car show AND the Poker Run together. You don't have to do both! The registration includes a lunch.
End and Begin at the BEAUMONT ELKS LODGE 11431 Highway 90, Beaumont TX (across from Exxon Mobil plant). Food, raffles, drawings and prizes for winners.
This event is for the Texas Elks Special Needs Children Camp in Ottine Texas. Where we send 20 special needs kids a week for 6 weeks to summer camp FREE.
Event Venue
11431 Highway 90, Beaumont, TX, United States, Texas 77713