🇲🇹Ejja ixtri u għażel minn varjetà ta' kotba b'€2 biss! Fiera tal-kotba kbira ġol-warehouse tagħna, librerija kbira fejn se ssib xi ħaġa tgħodd għalik żgur. Dawn il-kotba huma kważi ġodda u hemm uħud minnhom li huma ġodda wkoll. Għandna ħafna kotba għat-tfal, kbar, studenti... Kollox €2 biss!
Ġib il-basket miegħek u għin lil Bjorn fil-proġetti tiegħu.
Loads of books for sale at just €2 at Bjorn's Warehouse in KOSBOR, ŻEBBUĠ! All the money goes to fund the DAR Bjorn Respite project. All books are in great condition, and some are even new. We have all sorts of titles: children's books, cooking books, school books, and many more!
Join us from 29th November to 1st December and help us support DAR Bjorn Respite. Please type KOSBOR on GPS. Bjorn's Warehouse is not near DAR Bjorn Żebbuġ.
Event Venue & Nearby Stays
Triq il-Kosbor, Żebbuġ, ZBG, Malta, Zebbug, Malta