This latest adaptation of "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" brings Roald Dahl's beloved story to life with vibrant sets, dazzling costumes, and catchy musical numbers. The production follows young Charlie Bucket as she embarks on a magical adventure inside Willy Wonka's fantastical chocolate factory, encountering eccentric characters and whimsical surprises along the way. With a fresh, contemporary twist and an emphasis on the importance of imagination and kindness, this enchanting show captivates audiences of all ages, making it a delightful experience for families and theater lovers alike.
Performance dates and times:
-Fridays, Nov.15 & 22 - 7:00pm
-Saturdays, Nov.16 & 23 - 1:00pm & 7:00pm
-Sundays, Nov. 17 & 24 - 1:00pm
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Event Venue & Nearby Stays
Caruso Middle School, Deerfield,IL,United States