It has been a long time since our entire congregation has been together, and people miss each other! We invite you to this time of music, fellowship and celebration in honor of our confirmands and graduates, and in thanks to God for God’s provision during this time apart. Since we haven’t had Youth Sunday for two years now, we will also have the opportunity to hear from our children and youth.9:45 AM: Arrive and pick up your pre-packaged Pentecost treats!
10 AM: Program begins with special music and continues with the opportunity for children and youth to share what they are celebrating. Families with children: Please talk with your child about what they would like to share: Something great that happened this past year? Something they learned or accomplished? Or, maybe something they are looking forward to. Our congregation delights to celebrate and share life with your family, and looks forward to this time of connection and GOOD NEWS.
10:20 AM: Program ends in time for Outdoor Worship.
*This is an OUTDOOR event. The rain date is Sunday, June 6. Please bring a lawn chair or blanket for your family and plan to wear a mask according to CDC guidelines.*
Event Venue
Zion's Evangelical Lutheran Church, 103 E Market St, Box 658, Jonestown, PA, US 17038