Celebrate Recovery meetings are on THURSDAYS:At 5:45 pm: Food & fellowship--all attendees welcome (there is no charge for the meal, and doors open at 5:30 pm)
At 6:30 pm: Large group session--for all attendees (a short break and then...)
At 7:30 pm: Open share small groups (men's and women's)--for planning purposes the end time is 8:30 pm, but it could end a little sooner some nights depending on the group size.
Celebrate Recovery is a Christ-centered, 12 step recovery program for ANYONE struggling with hurt, pain, or addiction of any kind. It is a safe place to find community and healing and freedom from the struggles, issues, or problems in our life, past or present. Because we’ve all hurt others, we’ve hurt ourselves, and others have hurt us, we all have some sort of HURT, HANG-UP, OR HABIT. Celebrate Recovery is a biblical and balanced program that helps us deal with and overcome our hurts, hang-ups, and habits in a healthy and safe way. Join us on this amazing, life-changing adventure and journey!
If you are a member of the human race, then you'd qualify. EVERYONE can benefit and is welcome, ADULTS of all ages and backgrounds, whether you attend a church or not.
See the discussion section in this event for examples of some of the struggles, issues, problems, or hurts, hang-ups, or habits that Celebrate Recovery can help with.
"I don't need this or this isn't for me;" or
"I don't have it too bad or as bad as others;" or
"My struggle, issue, problem, hurt, hang-up, or habit isn't out of control, or I don't need any help with it, or I don't want others to know about it"?
IF SO...
~You might be in denial.
~You are not the only one, and you are not alone.
~We are a safe place for everyone to find community and healing and freedom from the struggles or issues that are controlling our life OR to be proactive before things get out of control or before you hit "rock bottom."
~We ARE...a safe place to share, where you can take your mask off, a refuge, a place of belonging, a place to care for others and be cared for, where respect is given to each person, where confidentiality is highly regarded, a place to learn, a place to grow and become strong again, a place for healthy challenges and healthy risks, and a possible turning point in your life.
~A hurt, hang-up, or habit is something that can hinder, stunt, or negatively impact our spiritual and personal health, happiness, and growth, and also our relationship with God and others, whether we realize it or not.
~Our life problems or issues can be stumbling blocks or stepping stones. It is possible to find God’s pathway to true happiness, healing, wholeness, growth, and spiritual maturity. We can find real answers, real hope, real freedom, and a real future through working and applying the 8 principles and the Christ-centered 12 steps of this Bible-based recovery process to our lives.
For more information or questions, call or text:
Penny Larrabee: 715-308-2338 or
Brad Hanson: 715-220-5195 or
Email: [email protected]
You can also visit Celebrate Recovery's website at for more information and resources, and visit our Church's YouTube channel (Spooner Church of the Nazarene) to watch the lessons we have covered to date and to watch some introductory/informational videos.
Please feel free to click on "invite" to invite your Facebook friends in the Spooner or surrounding area to our Celebrate Recovery, and feel free to share this "event" on your Facebook timeline or other online places.
Event Venue & Nearby Stays
N4584 Highway 253, Spooner, WI, United States, Wisconsin 54801