Calgary System Reset Experience: Breathe-Dance-Meditate

Fri Mar 01 2024 at 06:30 pm to 09:30 pm

Evolved Movement Arts | Calgary

NOA|AON, Pavel Stuchlik
Publisher/HostNOA|AON, Pavel Stuchlik
Calgary System Reset Experience: Breathe-Dance-Meditate
Embark on a transformative journey with deep breathwork, meditation, sound healing, ecstatic dance, and tons of tools for everyday harmony!
About this Event

System Reset Experience is coming to Calgary with world-touring conscious DJ/Producer & transformation expert

Theme: Love Coherence

Welcome to the Ultimate System Reset - an immersive wellness experience that will transform every aspect of your being with breathwork, meditation, sound healing and ecstatic dance. We are also in partnership with amazing instrumentalists, singers & cacao ceremony guide.

Whether you're looking to power up your body with cutting-edge techniques or embark on a deep inner journey from darkness to light, this night is designed to help you unlock your full potential and achieve optimal health, harmony and happiness

The experience will activate 5 physical senses, and 4 psychic senses with all 4 elements in an immersive synchronized musical show. After teaching thousands of people on all continents, we're offering tools that will help you take your life to the next level! Don't miss this incredible opportunity to reset and rejuvenate your mind, body, and spirit.

Special after party dance event on Saturday

What You Will Receive

  • Variety of breathing techniques (Wim Hof Retention, Power DMT breath, Holotropic/Shamanic, 2 Part Breath, 6x6, 4,7 & 8 Technique, CO2, etc)
  • Introduction of teachings of NOA for happiness, health and harmony.
  • System Reset tools (meditation, coding, affirmations, etc.)
  • Variety of healing techniques & harmonizations
  • Ancestral & deep spiritual connection
  • Trauma Release Methods and new habit formation
  • Law of attraction and acceleration
  • Live 528hz frequency DJ set & transformational ecstatic dance
  • Teachings of NOA|AON from darkness to light.
  • Mental fitness & psychic training
  • The Wim Hof breathwork presented in a new way by a certified Wim Hof Instructor.
  • Brain rewiring techniques
  • Variety of science-backed tools - biohacking, emotional resilience, mind mastery, meditations, relationship harmonization, healing modalities, manifestation, consciousness expansion, shamanic, etc.
  • 30 day free on-demand library to to continue the progress.
  • Optional FREE 15 min consultation with our accountability team on your well-being.
  • 30 day challenge & Integration Journal
  • Instant presence tools & deep meditation techniques
  • Past and new relationship harmonization
  • Mind, body and emotional recalibration training

Who This Experience is For:

  • Total beginner or advanced meditator, breather (we will meet you at what level you are at)
  • Someone ready to move on from past trauma, negative habits, etc.
  • Someone who needs to come back to the essence and reset from regular life
  • Someone who is finding a new purpose and tribe to be with
  • Someone who is seeking easy & fast techniques that actually work
  • Someone who has deep practice but wants to learn more
  • Anyone with deep PTSD, addictions, fear, and anxiety

Scientific Benefits of System Reset

  • Reduced stress
  • Controls anxiety
  • Increased energy & willpower
  • Promotes emotional & mental wellbeing
  • Enhances self-awareness
  • Can generate kindness
  • May help fight addictions
  • Improves sleep
  • Can decrease blood pressure & helps control pain & digestion
  • Boost your immune system
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Improved condition of your heart and lungs
  • Increased muscular strength, endurance, and motor fitness
  • Increased aerobic fitness
  • Improved muscle tone and strength
  • Increased endurance and recovery

What to Bring:

  • Yoga Mat & Optional Blanket
  • Journal


  • 6:30pm to 9:30pm
  • Evolved Movement Arts
  • 4005 9 St. SE, Calgary, AB T2G 3C7

Where it started:

System Reset was created after decades of traveling and learning from some of the most sought after leaders of today's world, and was inspired by a 10-day dark cave retreat with no physical food or light in Thailand by Jasmuheen. At that time, the name, NOA|AON and #noamovement was designed to combine ancient tools, modern technology, and cutting-edge science to give people tools to come back to their best self in all aspects. The goal was to change the way people socialize and learn. This led me to create interactive learning and immersive show experiences around the world, ranging from major music festivals to biohacking conferences. This is a true combination of the most powerful tools of today that anyone can do and see results, as long as they decide to do the work.


“Pavel is the most requested and popular resource amongst the YPO for workshops and retreats.”Ali Habaj, YPO Middle East, Whispering Tribe @whisperingtribe

“NOA|AON is transcendent in the future of biohacking. His blend of breathwork and DJ skills is unsurpassed.”Shawn Wells, biochemist, dietitian, sports nutritionist and formulation scientist known as the “World's Greatest Formulator.” @shawnwells

“NOA | AON connects the words of music and mysticism through Unity, community and high vibrations. His workshops can be found all over the globe in some of the most eccentric, beautiful locations on Earth. Honestly, I’ve never met anyone so on fire with life!” Brandon Johnson, Fully Alive Podcast @rbrandonjohnson

About your Guides:

, also known as Pavel Stuchlik. With over 15 years of experience traveling the world and immersing himself in some of the most rigorous teachings, NOA has become an expert in transformation, self-realization and harmonious living.

As an international conscious DJ/producer, serial impact 7 figure entrepreneur and investor, certified Ambassador of Peace, and Wim Hof instructor, NOA has a unique and diverse set of skills that he brings to his workshops, immersive experiences, retreats, and lectures. His teachings integrate ancient wisdom with modern science and technology to provide simple daily routines that can help you achieve unity, love, and joy in your life.

One of NOA's most notable experiences was spending a total of 40 days in darkness with no food living with breatharians in Thailand. From this experience, NOA|AON has brought back some of the most effective teachings and created a movement with #noamovement, which aims to bring people back to unity, love, and joy.

Excited to introduce our featured musician for this event Trevor Uruski of Bright Earth Music & Sound

Trevor U. will be creates Didgeridoo based light and sound offerings for individual and collective healing, transformation and upliftment!

What people are saying... "Experiencing Sound Therapy by Trevor - I am able to leave angst behind and let the sound penetrate my whole body and feeling the unique vibrations throughout as it moves through me. I always leave feeling refreshed and rested"

More from Trevor at: Bright Earth Music & Sound

Excited to introduce our featured sound healer for this event Corinne Cornish

Corinne’s passion is the evolution of human consciousness, not only within herself but collectively. At a young age she found herself seeing outside of the established norms, which greatly influenced her perception of life. Along her path she has been guided by extraordinary insights and experiences. She sees life as an intriguing journey of continuous expansion, while being in service to others who also feel this calling.

Corinne is formally trained as a Clinical Hypnotherapist, Reiki Master, Reconnective Healing Practitioner, Conscious Breathwork Facilitator and has a Bachelor of Education. Her private practice is The Inner Realms where she works one-on-one as a Spiritual Counsellor and Transpersonal Therapist with those who are called to deepen in their own self-awareness. Within her private and public practices she incorporates vibrational sound healing as a method of attuning to deeper states of consciousness. She also offers classes, workshops and retreats within the field of expanding awareness

More from Corinne at



UNITE creates unique, high vibe event experiences for community to unite & truly tune in to the highest version of ourselves!

BIG vision for UNITE Events includes global synchronized festivals & stadium event series that culminates with billions uniting to meditate & celebrate humanity together.

Check out UNITE, the new eco/wellness social marketplace to elevate personal & planetary wellbeing! Helping create deep & meaningful connections with community & to personalized wellbeing resources & uplifting content!

Event Photos

Event Photos
Event Photos

Event Venue & Nearby Stays

Evolved Movement Arts, 4005 9 Street Southeast, Calgary, Canada


USD 75.00 to USD 149.00

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