6th Edition of Cable & Wire Fair is going to take place from 04th to 06th November 2025 at Bharat Mandapam (Pragati Maidan) New Delhi India. The last show held in October 2023 hosted around 300+ exhibitors from around 20-plus countries. Cable & Wire Fair 2023 provided the industry players from various segments of the wire and cable industry a good opportunity to come together to put forth a stage to showcase important paraphernalia for and by the wire and cable industry. The two-day CEO Conclave & Technical Conference at CWF 2023 saw high-voltage discussions at its cable conclaves and technical sessions.
Event Venue
Pragati Maidan, Hall No. 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6, Bharat Mandapam(Pragati Maidan), New Delhi, India
INR 0.00