Sassy Sweethearts Pageantry + Mississippi Delta Pageants bring you a double header beauty pageant! Selmer Tennessee! Supreme breakdowns: 0/3,4/6,7+
Age groups: 0/11m,12/23m,2 year, 3 year, 4 year, 5 year, 6 year, 7/8 year, 9/10 year, 11/13 year, 14/16 year
natural/semi glitz
Beauty + casual/spring/easter ooc
3 megas on BOTH systems take home $250 CASH!
1 time on stage, 2 sets of judges, 2 sets of awards!! Judges from each system will be completely different, you could get 1 title from sassy sweethearts & a completely different title from Mississippi delta!!!!
Mega Ultimate (6 total from both systems) - $250 cash, fabric sash, 12 inch crown, trophy, ROBE, gift
Ultimate grand supreme (6 total from both systems)- fabric sash, 12 inch crown, trophy, ROBE, gift
Grand supreme (6 total from both systems)- fabric sash, 12 inch crown, trophy, gift
Mini supreme (6 total from both systems)- fabric sash, 12 inch crown, trophy, gift
Division supreme - fabric sash, 8 inch crown, gift
Division queen- fabric sash, 6 inch crown, gift
Princess- ribbon sash, 5 inch crown, gift
We will award an overall people's choice winner , 2nd place & 3rd place. Contestants with at least 5000 votes will receive a runner up crown
1st place peoples choice- large 30 inch crown, fabric sash, nice gifts, cash prize added with enough interest
2nd place - large 20 inch crown, fabric sash, nice gifts
3rd place- large 16 inch crown, fabric sash, nice gifts
$300 entry fee enters you to BOTH pageants! (2 pageants, 1 time on stage, double the awards)!!
$300 entry fee includes entry into both systems for
Division princess, division queen, division supreme, mini supreme, grand supreme, ultimate supreme, mega ultimate supreme, division best smiles/eyes/hair, overall most beautiful, overall best personality, overall best dress
A $150 deposit is required to hold your contestant spot. The remaining $150 balance is due 2 weeks prior to pageant date.
Entry fee does NOT include - door bands ($10), jackpots added at the door or door titles added at the door - we will add jackpot most beautiful, jackpot best dress, jackpot best ooc/casual wear, jackpot natural photo, jackpot personality . Jackpots will be $100 to enter all for both sides. Winner for each wins half the cash collected
Optional door titles- $40 each to enter on both sides
Face supreme - sash, large crown, half the cash collected
Sassy supreme sash, large crown, half the cash collected
High point - sash, 20 inch large crown, half the cash collected, 5 foot tall trophy
Any style pageant dress -
Any style spring/casual wear/easter ooc
Glitz attire & routines are allowed
Extensions allowed as long as they blend naturally - lashes are allowed as long as they look natural-light tan is okay. No flippers, wiglets or falls -
Contestants will be allowed 90 seconds on stage
Event Venue & Nearby Stays
Selmer Civic Center, 230 N 5th St,Selmer, Tennessee, United States