Our Annual Psychic & Wellness Event is back!Come and explore all the amazing business from Bunbury and throughout the South West and see what entices your soul.
We have Psychic Meidums, Tarot Readers, Healers, Iridilogists, Crystals, local artisans, Candles, Spiritual Wares and amazing FREE talk sessions held over both days and a Live Show with the incredible International Psychic Medium Annette Mc Grath1
Get your ticket today to go in the draw to win amazing prizes in the event raffle (free entry included with ticket) and attend all the sessions we have available.
We will also have event bags, food trucks and a kids area - something for everyone!
Tickets available on Try Booking for $5 each & includes:
* Entry BOTH days of the event
* FREE entry into the Event Raffle with tons of amazing prizes (announcing soon)
* FREE access to all talks/sessions held over both days
* Access to our dedicated Kids Zone area
Look fwd to sharing this amazing event with Bunbury!
Event Venue & Nearby Stays
South West Italian Club, White St,Bunbury,WA,Australia