About this Event
Bruneau Fossil Reef: Geologic Field Trip
Investigate the geology of the Bruneau Fossil Reef and Horse Hill Site with guide Barb Beatty. Two stops will include:
1) The Horse Hill Site which includes a large unconformity surface between the Miocene and Pliocene and lots of fossils, petrified wood, and Moqui Balls. This will also be our lunch stop. Hiking distance is ~1/3 Mile with the option to extend to ~1 Mile. A short 5-minute geologic presentation will be made on-site.
2) Fossil Algal Reef site, which includes a ~1/2 mile hike along a fossil reef full of algal "Vases", snail fossils, and other types of interesting geologic features and fossils. A short 5-minute geologic presentation will be made on-site.
We will meet in the Albertson’s Shopping Center parking lot at 10am near McDonald's Restaurant, 6574 S Federal Way, near the intersection of I-84 and Hwy 21. From here carpools can be arranged. We will need some people with higher clearance vehicles to be carpool drivers, especially people with Trucks, 4WD, or AWD vehicles. If necessary, we can take passenger cars and an individual can ferry people back and forth the last mile in a 4WD truck.
The first stop is roughly 80 miles from the meetup location on Federal Way. We will stop at the "One Stop" store and gas station in Bureau to regroup. Your guide will have driving directions, GPS locations, and a map ready to give to volunteer carpool drivers. Not much hiking involved ~1 mile the entire day. Suitable for almost all ages and abilities. Wear suitable shoes for some uneven ground. Limited to 24 people and few cars because of rough road and parking. Bring a rock hammer if you can.
Bring lunch and beverage. No restrooms but that has never stopped us. Dress for the weather, including proper shoes or boots. Return about 4pm or so. No dogs, please.
This event will be cancelled if there is measurable snow, rain or high winds. No charge if the IMMG cancels the event. Please check your email the day before. Be sure you register with a functioning email.
Everyone must pre-register. https://www.eventbrite.com/e/bruneau-fossil-reef-geologic-field-trip-tickets-1227074285219?aff=oddtdtcreator
About Barb Beatty: Barbara Beatty has a B.S. in Geology from Boise State University and an M.S. in the Geosciences from the University of Arizona. She also has Bachelor’s degrees in Business/Economics and Accounting and another Masters degree in Dispute Resolution. Barb has worked in mineral and geothermal exploration for several companies in the Western U.S. On Barb’s return to Boise in the spring of 2024, she immediately became a member of the IMMG and started volunteering on the Education and Field Trip Teams. Her love of the outdoors started on her first camping trip when she was two and carries through today as she shares her enthusiasm of geology with both children and adults.
The Bruneau Fossil Reef Geologic Field Trip is sponsored by the Idaho Museum of Mining and Geology, 2455 Old Penitentiary Rd, next to the Old Pen in East Boise.
This adventure requires a waiver. By signing up for this Bruneau Fossil Reef Geologic Field trip you agree to the following: The registered individual accepts and does hereby assume any and all risks for himself and those on his ticket, for possible dangers and hazards involved in connection with the field trip designated above, offered by the IDAHO MUSEUM OF MINING AND GEOLOGY (IMMG), and does hereby SAVE AND HOLD HARMLESS the trip leader(s), IMMG and all officers and representatives of IMMG from any and all claims, losses, or damages, including attorney’s fees and costs because of said claims, on account of injury, death, property damage, and inconvenience or loss of money due to delay or other cause that may rise, by reason of my participation in the field trip. I understand that my use of alcohol or drugs would impair my judgment and coordination, and will hold IMMG harmless from any claims arising from my use of either. I understand I am responsible for carrying my own automobile, life, and health insurance.
P lease contact [email protected] if you have questions.
Event Venue
Bruneau, United States
USD 0.00 to USD 23.18