Brotherhood Brunch: Understanding the Science Behind the New Wave of Diabetes and Obesity Drugs

Sun Jan 26 2025 at 10:00 am to 12:00 pm

Temple Beth El Charlotte | Charlotte

Temple Beth El Charlotte
Publisher/HostTemple Beth El Charlotte
Brotherhood Brunch: Understanding the Science Behind the New Wave of Diabetes and Obesity Drugs Register by Thursday, January 23:
You’ve likely seen the compelling TV ads for medications treating Type 2 Diabetes and Obesity. But how do these so-called "wonder drugs" actually work once they’re inside the body?
Dr. Howard Glazer*—immediate Past President of Temple Beth El’s Brotherhood—will share an in-depth look at the latest diabetes and weight-loss medications. He’ll break down the science, present key data, and explore critical considerations for patients, healthcare providers, and FDA regulators navigating this new wave of treatments.
This special Brotherhood program is purely educational and does not promote any specific medication or treatment. Instead, it aims to provide valuable insights into these high-profile drugs and the buzzworthy ads surrounding them.
This unique Brotherhood Brunch is open to all Temple members and includes an outstanding breakfast for only $14 for Brotherhood and TBE members and $18 for non-members of Brotherhood and TBE.
Dr. Howard Glazer holds a BS in Biology from Tufts University and a Pharm.D. from the Medical University of South Carolina College of Pharmacy. Now retired, Dr. Glazer spent 15 years as a clinical pharmacy professor in academic medicine and 22 years as a Medical Affairs Director at Merck & Co., Inc. During his tenure, he served as Merck’s scientific liaison with leading researchers and physicians in Cardiology and Diabetes at North Carolina’s top academic medical centers, including Duke, UNC-Chapel Hill, Wake Forest, and East Carolina.

Event Venue

Temple Beth El Charlotte, 5101 Providence Rd, Charlotte, NC 28226-5851, United States,Charlotte, North Carolina


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