Breath & Breakfast - Full Moon Special /Water Breathwork

Sat May 25 2024 at 07:00 am to 09:30 am

Kite Beach | Dubai

Life Scripting - Maria Leonard
Publisher/HostLife Scripting - Maria Leonard
Breath & Breakfast - Full Moon Special \/Water Breathwork
Join us for a magical morning of breathwork under the full moon, followed by a delicious breakfast by the water's edge!
About this Event

Experience a morning like no other!

The Journey:

Hold onto your hats, Life Scripters! The Full Moon in Sagittarius signals a major milestone – we're gearing up for the summer solstice and the second half of the year. It's evaluation time!

Feel that surge of freedom?

It's your cue to break free from anything or anyone holding you back.

Clear the decks and make room for honest, authentic connections.

If you're feeling stuck, it's time to face your fears head-on.

Release what no longer serves you and tie up those loose ends.

Ready to tap into the magic of this full moon?

Make declarations for the summer ahead and watch as your intentions unfold.

The key questions to ask yourself this full moon are:

What am I aiming to achieve this summer?

What am I ready to let go?

What do I want to be free from?

Crystals to use this full moon:

Carnelian, yellow agate, clear quartz (choose the one you are drawn to)

The Process:

<h4>7:00-8:30am: Dive into the Journey</h4>

- Partner up for a transformative water breathwork session.

- Reflective questions and manifestation scripting to integrate the energy.

- Receive personalised intuitive messages for the group, guidance through the summer months.

- Connect with the highest energetic existence, from Zero Point to Creator.

- Immerse yourself in 30 minutes of conscious connected breathing in the sea, supported by your chosen partner.

- Experience energy healing activations and deactivations guided by me.

- Share and integrate your experience in a supportive environment.

<h4>8:30-9:30am: Nourish Your Body</h4>

- Indulge in a delicious breakfast at Common Grounds on kite beach, with a pre-ordered fixed menu tailored for the event.

What You'll Need:

- Pen and paper/notebook for reflection and manifestation.

- Your crystal to charge with full moon energy and intention.

- A pool noodle for support during breathwork.

- Sunscreen, hat, and swimwear for sun-soaked sessions.

- Water bottle for hydration and energy.

? Arrival Details:

- Please arrive 10 minutes early to prepare for the session.

- Partners will be assigned, providing support and sharing breathwork responsibilities.

- Take time to settle and integrate the energies for a holistic experience.

Join us for a morning of deep transformation and connection. Book now to reserve your place in this unique experience.

About Maria

Maria Leonard is a Spiritual Growth Coach, the founder of Life Scripting; a Holistic Healing and Manifestation Modality which connects the power of breathwork, energy healing, intuition and mindset shift through the power of words.She is also an Intuitive Channeller of the Akashic Records to give guidance on life path, purpose, deeper understanding of the self and knowing what to heal and resolve in one’s lifetime to live a fulfilling life. During her one-to-one sessions, workshops, practitioner trainings and retreats, she combines Life Scripting, teaches esoteric, psychological and philosophical teachings and mindfulness. She is passionate about connecting ancient knowledge with modern day scientific discoveries on epigenetic, neuroplasticity, sacred geometry and psychology on birth scripts. By using her intuitive gift, healing abilities and more than 20 years of vast knowledge she helps you see what’s holding you back in life, gives you the tools to rescript your life’s blueprint in order to consciously create your heart’s desires and accomplish your soul’s purpose through self mastery.

@iammarialeonard | facebook/marialeonard108

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Event Venue & Nearby Stays

Kite Beach, Kite beach, Dubai, United Arab Emirates


USD 96.00

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