Brantford Brant Children's Water Festival 2025

Tue, 13 May, 2025 at 09:30 am to Thu, 15 May, 2025 at 02:00 pm UTC-04:00

Mohawk Park | Brantford

Grand River Conservation Authority
Publisher/HostGrand River Conservation Authority
Brantford  Brant Children's Water Festival 2025
Running May 13-15, the Brantford Brant Children's Water Festival offers over 30 interactive, water themed activities geared to grade four.
About this Event

The 17th annual Brantford-Brant Children's Water Festival (BBCWF) is being held May 13-15, 2025. The festival offers over 30 interactive, water themed activities designed to complement Ontario Curriculum learning expectations. At each activity centre, volunteers will challenge students with their water knowledge and to respect and conserve our valuable water resources.


Who can attend?

The BBCWF is exclusively for Grade 4 students from Brantford, Brant County, Six Nations and Mississaugas of the Credit schools. Split grade classes are welcome.

How do I register - by class or by school?

Choose which day your class would like to attend under 'options' (May 13, May 14 or May 15).

Please register for each teacher/class that is attending (not one registration on behalf of multiple grade 4 classes from one school). This allows the festival coordinator to communicate with each teacher and provide additional information closer to the event i.e. bus details, teacher planning guide, etc.

Please order tickets for total number of students that will be attending from each class - do not register teachers and adult supervisors please.

What is the cost to attend?

Thanks to the generosity of our sponsors, both the festival and busing are FREE. Busing is arranged by the festival coordinator and details will be emailed to you in mid-late April.

How should I organize busing?

You do not need to organize busing for your class. The busing will be organized for you and confirmation will be emailed to you in mid-late April. Busing is provided by Sharp Bus Lines. Bus pick-up times vary between 9:00-9:30 a.m. depending on how far away your school is located from the park. Similarily, bus drop off times will be between 2:05 and 2:30 p.m. If you have a single class coming from one school, you may be partnered with another school to share a bus.

What should I bring?

  • You and enough adult supervisors – suggested ratio of 8:1 (or less) - dressed and prepared for the weather
  • Your students – also dressed and prepared for the weather (i.e. sweater, rain jacket, sunscreen, hat, etc.) and ready for a fun filled day outside.
  • Site Map from your teacher planning guide (emailed to you in late April).
  • Lunch – BYO peanut free, 'litterless lunch' including a FULL water bottle.

What about safety and supervision?

The safety of everyone on site is very important to the festival committee. If you have any concerns during your day, please head to the Information tent or any festival staff.

Please divide your class into groups of 8 (or less) and bring an adult supervisor for EACH group. Adult supervisors and teachers are responsible for the conduct of students in their group during the entire Festival visit - including lunch. Supervisors are asked to keep students away from Mohawk Lake and the wooded trails within the park. Please note that in compliance with the Smoke Free Ontario Act, the water festival is a non-smoking event.

Does the Festival run rain or shine?

Yes - the Festival will be held rain or shine! You will be outside much of the day exploring the activity centres throughout Mohawk Park. Please ensure that everyone is prepared and dressed appropriately for the weather (appropriate footwear for outdoors, sweater, rain jacket, sunscreen, hat, water bottle, etc…).

The water festival may be cancelled due to extreme weather conditions (at the discretion of the festival coordinator).

What does a typical day at the Water Festival look like?

  • 9:20 – 9:50 a.m. – Bus will pick you up at your school and deliver you to Mohawk Park. (Exact time will be provided in early May.)
  • 9:50 – 10 a.m. - Arrive at Mohawk Park to learn at the 30+ activity centres!
  • 10:00 – 11:25 a.m. - Activity centre presentations.
  • 11:30 – 11:50 a.m. - Lunch - BYO peanut free, 'litterless lunch'. Food is not available at the Festival.
  • 12:00 – 1:40 p.m. - Students continue to visit activity centres.
  • 1:40- 1:50 p.m. – Meet with your class and proceed to bus loading area.
  • 1 :50 - 2:00 p.m. - Busses are loaded and teachers confirm head count.
  • 2 p.m. - Busses depart Mohawk Park for your school.

What is an Activity Centre?

Activity centres are curriculum based and designed to be hands-on, educational and fun to compliment water concepts taught in the classroom. Within each of the 30+ activity centres found throughout Mohawk Park, students will explore the concept(s) of:

  • Water Conservation - The responsible use of water in our daily lives.
  • Water Attitudes - The historical & present day uses of water and attitudes toward water.
  • Water Technology - How water is treated, stored & distributed throughout the community.
  • Water Protection - The interdependence of water, soil, plants, animals and people, as well as positive steps we can take to keep water clean.
  • Water Science - Focuses on the water cycle, surface and groundwater flow and aquatic environments.

Event Photos

Event Venue & Nearby Stays

Mohawk Park, Mohawk Park, Brantford, Canada


CAD 0.00

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