🗓️ 17.1.2025 @ 20:00 | Vrata @ 19:00Pripravite se na vznemirljivo noč! Prvi del prinaša 40-minutni nastop z Bowrainom na klavirju, Urošem kot pevcem in Blažem na bobnih. Sledi open mic, kjer so umetniki vseh vrst vabljeni, da se predstavijo do 5 minut. Ne zamudite tega praznovanja talenta!
Bowrain (Tine Grgurevič) je slovenski skladatelj in producent. Njegov album Million Homes obravnava vprašanja okolja, osamljenosti in migracij ter poziva k skupnemu delovanju za prihodnost človeštva.
Uroš Buh je pevec, kantavtor in skladatelj z več kot 20 leti izkušenj, tudi kot sodelavec pri animiranih filmih za studia, kot sta Universal in Disney.
🗓️ 17.1.2025 @ 20:00 Vrata @ 19:00
Get ready for an exciting night! The first act features a 40-minute performance with Bowrain on piano, Uroš as the lead singer, and Blaž on drums. Then, an open mic follows, where artists of all kinds are invited to perform for up to 5 minutes. Don’t miss this celebration of talent!
Bowrain (Tine Grgurevič) is a Slovenian composer and producer. His album Million Homes addresses issues like the environment, loneliness, and migration, urging collective action for the future of humanity.
Uroš Buh is a singer, songwriter, and composer with over 20 years of experience, also working on animated films for studios such as Universal and Disney.
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VILHARJEVA CESTA 3, 1000, Vilharjeva cesta 3, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija,Ljubljana, Slovenia