Billetter for denne unike opplevelsen blir sluppet tre uker før festival.Den finske badstueeieren, arkitekten og musikeren Tuomas Toivonen tar i anledning Borealis bolig i Bergens unike flytende badstue; Laugaren. Han forvandler selve badstuen til et omsluttende instrument, og skaper et dynamisk lag med lyd som springer ut fra selve badstubygningen.
Mer info på
- Ha på deg badetøy i badstuen, og ta med en badekåpe hvis du har.
- Det finnes et lite skifterom du kan benytte, ellers skifter du under håndkleet i fellesarealet vegg-i-vegg med badstuen.
- For å holde badstuen ren anbefaler vi at du tar med to håndklær – et for å tørke deg med, og et til å sitte på.
- Ta med egen vannflaske så du holder deg hydrert.
- Du kan kan hoppe i sjøen fra Laugaren for å kjøle deg ned, men aldri bad alene.
- Alkohol er ikke tillatt.
Booking will happen through Laugarens booking system, and tickets will be released three weeks before the festival.
Finnish sauna owner, architect and musician Tuomas Toivonen takes residence at Bergen's unique floating sauna "Laugaren". Transforming the sauna itself into an ambient sonic instrument he creates a dynamic sonic layer that emanates from the sauna building itself.
More info on
- Wear swimwear in the sauna, and bring your bathrobe if you have one.
- You can change in the changing area that is curtained off inside Laugaren, or under your towel in the common area.
- In order to keep the sauna clean, bring two towels – one to dry yourself off with, and another to sit on.
- Bring your own water bottle to stay hydrated.
- It’s possible to have a dip in the fjord from Laugaren if you need to cool down – do not swim alone.
- Alcohol is not allowed.
Presented in collaboration with Laugaren
Supported by The Norwegian-Finnish Cultural Foundation. Part of New Perspectives for Action – a project by Re-Imagine Europe, co-funded by the European Union.
Event Venue & Nearby Stays
Laugaren, Georgernes Verft 12,Bergen, Hordaland, Norway