The second installment in Mani Ratnam's trilogy of films that depict human relationships against a background of human relationships, Bombay starring Arvind Swamy and Manisha Koirala (in her Tamil film debut). The film tells the story of an inter-religious family in Bombay before and during the Bombay riots, which took place between December 1992 and January 1993, leading to religious conflicts. About Mani Ratnam: A Retrospective:A career that has unfolded over 4 decades, across 5 languages, and resulted in 28 films, Mani Ratnam’s filmography has been a shape-shifting force for Indian Cinema.Framed through the eyes of his cinematographers–Ravi K Chandran, Ravi Varman, Rajeev Menon, and Santosh Sivan–the retrospective is curated with filmmaker Bejoy Nambiar, as an ode from a student to his mentor.
Event Venue & Nearby Stays
G5A Warehouse, Mumbai, India