Biodanza with Cristiano Martins - The core of Biodanza

Fri, 18 Apr, 2025 at 07:00 pm to Sun, 20 Apr, 2025 at 06:00 pm UTC+03:00

Taiji klubi | Tallinn

Biodanza with Cristiano Martins - The core of Biodanza

Welcome to Biodanza weekend journey with amazing Cristiano Martins (Portugal)
What is Biodanza?
Based on anthropological studies of dance and traditional rituals of the celebration of life.
Biodanza stimulates community, awakens a consciousness for universal solidarity, helps
participants to recover their joy and vitality, and celebrates the sacredness of life.
Biodanza means Dance of Life. It is a system that integrates music, movement and
authentic relating to create experiences of intense awareness of being alive in the here-
and-now. These experiences are known as vivências. Vivências are portals that allow
access to primal emotions and help the most natural expression of one's true self emerge
through movement.
No dance experience is necessary.
Theme of this workshop:
The Core of Biodanza - The 5 Lines Of Vivencia - the courage to be
“No matter where we are, the shadow that trots behind us is definitely four-footed.” Clarissa Pinkola Estes
The essential pillars of this practice are constituted through the assumption that there is a cosmic intelligence that is expressed in our reality through instincts, instincts as the Nobel Prize Christian Deduve put it are bio-cosmic mandates, they constitute our biological script and are motivating forces of the psychic process, they emerge from the Great Ocean of the collective unconscious and express themselves through the Movement
“Energy is the principle of change the more energy there is, the more change can be produced”
It is characterized by a good level of health and organic harmony. From an existential point of view, vitality comprises having strong motivations to live and having energy available for action (vital impetus). Feelings of inner joy, exhilaration and existential fullness are found in a vital person. Vitality is linked to endogenous mood, motor
integration and neurovegetative balance.
"I have phrases and whole pages memorized,
but nothing can be told of love.” Rumi
It alludes to the awakening of the source of desire, increased pleasure, connection with sexual identity and the decrease of sexual repression. In humans, sexuality is associated with pleasure, possibly as a resource of nature to ensure the continuity of the species. Sexuality and life are indissolubly linked. Sexual desire organizes a strong motivation to live.
“The most potent muse of all is our own inner child”
It proposes the expansion of the ability to express, renew and build. Creativity is an integral function of cosmic metamorphosis. A path trodden between the footsteps of Chaos and Order. In human beings, it manifests itself as a force of innovation in the face of reality. The creative work organizes a unique and singular language based on
personal experience. The noblest aspect of expressing creativity is existential creativity, that which is expressed in everyday gestures.
“Every day is just perfect for love.”
It narrates the ability to bond with others through love, friendship, and the ability to empathize. Affectivity figured as an expression of identity. Affectivity can have the extension of “differentiated love”, directed to a single person, and that of “undifferentiated love”, directed to humanity as a whole.
“You are not a drop in the ocean, You are the entire ocean in a drop.” Rumi in Biodanza we propose to express the instinct of totality, in the natural function of
the human being of essential bonding with the existing whole: human beings, animals, vegetables, minerals; in short, with the cosmic totality. To transcend is to overcome a limit, it refers to overcoming the strength of the Ego and going beyond self-perception, to identify with the unity of nature and with the essence of people.
About Cristiano Martins
A seed released to the earth in the fertile spring of 1979 in Freiburg im Braisgau
(Germany) whose roots later on extended and bloomed open in Oporto (Portugal). I am a
Man deeply in love with Life, Beauty and Mysteries.
I am a Biodanza (Rolando Toro System) Facilitator, certified by the Biodanza SRT School
of Portugal and also a Didactic of the same System.
In the last few years I have dedicated myself to the creation of diverse signature
workshops such as: “Roots in the Earth, Roots in Heaven”; “Chaos, Creativity and the
Return of the Sacred”; “The Birth of the Cosmic Man”; “Under the Sign of Affection”;
“Surrender to Love”; “Sacred Warrior”; “Ecstatic Lover”; “Mystic Magician”; “The King &
The Queen”; “Equinox and Solstice Celebrations” in Nature; Regular Didact In Berlin,
Portugal and Nante; Also with agenda in Spain, France Canada, Estonia, Lithuania,
Poland, Greece and the beloved Hungary
After graduating in clinical pyscho-pedagogy, I trained in Gestalt therapy; I am part of the
teaching staff at the Institute of Applied Psychology in the postgraduate course “Human
Development and Therapy through Expressive arts"
Read more about Cristianos work

18.- 20. April 2025
Fri 19 - 22
Sat 10 - 19
Sun 10 - 18
📍 Taiji klubi (Tallinn)
💶 Cost: 240€
Super Early bird 170€ (until 20th of February)
Early bird 190€ (until 20th of March)
*Open class for everybody interested:
Friday 18.April 19 - 22, 35€
IMPORTANT NOTE: no ticket sales at the door, only prepayed registrations (to keep the space for comfortable movement and dance)
You can participate only in open class, for whole workshop participants Friday open class is included.
For registration and details/questions send e-mail to [email protected] or call/whatsapp me 5299986
Secure your spot and early bird price by making prepayment 50€ to:
Details: Biodanza (your name)
Please note, that early bird price applies for regisirations and deposits made before 20th of FEbruary.
We are looking forward to this journey of self explorations through dance and connecting with you.

Event Venue & Nearby Stays

Taiji klubi, Pärnu maantee 102, Kesklinn, Tallinn, 11312 Harju Maakond, Eesti,Tallinn, Estonia

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