This is an offering of attending two sessions: Bicester Meditation Space & Bicester Sound Bath, you can purchase a ticket for both or separate tickets for one of the sessions.
Bicester Meditation Space
a safe space dedicated to help you to explore understand and train your mind so that you can manage it to your benefit. Session is run by a qualified Practitioner with 30 years of meditation practice; the after support in form of individual sessions is available in Bicester Oxfordshire
Why to book yourself in?
to understand and stop anxiety
to understand and stop overthinking
to support your personal growth
to bring more peace into your life
to understand more about how mind works
to learn how to manage your mind
to get practical tools for your everyday wellbeing
What does the session look like?
there are no special requirements
we explore breathing techniques guided meditations embodied meditation in sitting or standing positions and in the movement
How to have the best experience?
book your ticket well in advance
do bring water yoga matt a pillow & blanket
chairs are available if sitting on the floor is not comfortable for you
don’t stress - it’s a safe space nobody will judge you
turn up on time make sure you travel well in advance
switch your mobile OFF completely (not on silence)
take your shoes off before entering the session room
please keep the space free from chatting until the sharing time
pick a spot lie down (or sit on a chair) and relax (you can close your eyes and rest or join in meditation)
before session commence everything will be explained to you so don't need to worry about anything
You may want to bring a little notepad in case you want to take some notes.
There are no contraindications for attendees. Everyone is welcomed.
Session is run by Sonia Axis - an expert facilitator of personal growth counsellor coach and therapist with 30 years of meditation practice
1:2:1 sessions and after support is available viawww.holisticaxis.com
Any questions? Please email [email protected]
Address: Fringford Village Hall The Green Fringford Bicester OX27 8DY
45 min session + 15 min sharing and wrap up time
Please bring water with you. Wear comfortable clothing.
We open the doors at 6:20pm - please switch off your mobile don't leave it on silent as it may vibrate. Please arrange extra time for travel so you arrive.
At 6:30 pm we lock the door begin the session and no one will be allowed in as it would disturb the experience for others.
If you are late please do not knock - we can’t let you in once we start and there is no refund available either if you are late or don’t show up.
If you’re not feeling well (coughing sneezing fever cold covid) please do not attend the event and contact the organiser to offer you a slot on a later date; this is to keep us all safe.
If you have any questions send an email no later than 4 hrs before the event.
If you are interested in booking a 1:2:1 or discuss having a this type of event delivered for your organisation please email: [email protected]
More about the organiser: www.holisticaxis.com
15 minutes comfort break between the sessions
Bicester Sound Bath
a safe relaxation & healing space for you run by a qualified sound practitioner with after support available in Bicester Oxfordshire
Welcome to Our Journey with Sound!
Why to book yourself in?
to deeply and instantly relax
to support your healing alongside orthodox medicine (fertility issues chronic pain stress-related illnesses IBS ME ED ASD tinnitus mild depression anxiety and arthritis)
to bring people closer in a relaxing atmosphere (de-stressing experience with friends or co-workers)
to try something new / have an outside the box date or family gathering
How does it work? Through the Laws of Physics!
through the vibration resonance and entrainment you are being tuned into the frequency and vibration of health & well-being
sound bypasses the mind and reaches the deepest aspects so you can't get it wrong
sounds from instrument are infused with the healing intention and work on your system
human body being 70% of water is a great conductor of the sound and that's how we respond to the Sound
every next session brings different experience goes deeper & every session is different
How to have the best experience?
book your ticket well in advance
do bring water yoga matt a pillow & blanket - body temperature varies during the treatment (if you don't have one or it's not convenient for you to bring those - please contact organiser at [email protected] and we will prepare a set for you)
don’t stress - it’s a safe space nobody will judge you
turn up on time make sure you travel well in advance
switch your mobile OFF completely (not on silence)
take your shoes off before entering the session room
please keep the space free from chatting until the sharing time
pick a spot lie down (or sit on a chair) and relax (you can close your eyes and rest or join in meditation)
before session commence everything will be explained to you so don't worry about anything
Drink plenty of water for the next three days after the session and take it easy as your system will be readjusting so you may feel either very energised or quite tired - both are natural reactions
Who is it for? Contraindications? Who runs it?
the session is safe for most people
contraindications: epilepsy strokes internal defibrillators pacemakers recent hip/joint operation
If you are pregnant terminally ill or suffer from severe mental illness please let the organiser know at [email protected] in advance.
People with ear and balance problems may also be more sensitive to sound variations (Ménière's Disease).
Session is run by Sonia Axis - a qualified sound practitioner CHNC registered holistic therapist & coach a member of UK College of Sound Healing.
Address: Fringford Village Hall The Green Fringford Bicester OX27 8DY
45 min treatment + 15min sharing and wrap up time
Please bring water with you. It's really helpful after the session. Wear comfortable clothing.
If you have a back problem you may wish to bring an extra blanket or a large pillow.
Session can be enjoyed either in a horizontal position on a yoga mat or sitting on a chair.
If you wear hearing aids you can still receive full benefits of the Sound as it works on your system through resonance and vibration and you will still be impacted by it but you need to remove them for the duration of the treatment to avoid feedback.
We open the doors at 7:45pm - please switch off your mobile don't leave it on silent as it may vibrate. Please arrange extra time for travel so you arrive.
At 7:55 pm we lock the door and no one will be allowed in as it would disturb the experience for others.
If you are late please do not knock - we can’t let you in once we start and there is no refund available either if you are late or don’t show up.
If you’re not feeling well (coughing sneezing fever cold covid) please do not attend the event and contact the organiser to offer you a slot on a later date; this is to keep us all safe.
If you have any questions please email no later than 4 hrs before the event.
If you are interested in booking a 1:2:1 or discuss having this type of event delivered for your organisation please email [email protected]
More about the organiser: www.holisticaxis.com
Event Venue
Fringford Village Hall, The Green, Fringford, Bicester OX27 8DY, United Kingdom, Bicester
GBP 20.00 to GBP 600.00