After many years, we are having the world famous maestro, dancer, choreographer, pedagogic, jury and organizer Arturo Rojas over to our humble nation. Within a small group ( which is why the tickets are limited) he will be teaching you the essence of Cuban salsa; How to move your body to Cuban music, how to actually lead and follow in a rueda, how to interpret Cuban music, and more. These workshops will NOT just be about learning new sequences – which you already know plenty of- they will be about actually understanding salsa cubana – not just to dance it, but to dance it well. In that spirit, this day will also feature a unique Q and A session over lunch, meaning that you will – alongside the group – have an opportunity to ask a bonafide master in Cuban salsa anything about the dance. All questions, whether personal or general will be encouraged. To summarize, this day will be an incredible opportunity for personal development within salsa, regardless of if you have danced for a year, or ten. These types of workshops are rare enough, and at this price - ! So make sure you don’t miss it!
How good should you be to join?:
We didn't want to label the courses because the point isn't to learn new sequences, but to develop as a dancer. We do however expect you to be more than just familiar with the basics, so we recommend at least a year of salsa cubana to join. Regardless of level however, you WILL develop as a dancer after this day.
Danced history of Afro-Cuban, Rumba, Son, Mambo and Cha Cha cha to Salsa (with Q&A)
12.00 - 13.00
Rueda de Casino 13.00 - 14.30
Salsa Partnerwork 14.30 - 16.00
FOR THOSE THAT DON’T KNOW - Who is Arturo Rojas?
Dancer, master, choreographer and jury
Lima - Peru 🇵🇪 / Stockholm - Sweden 🇸🇪
Specialized in Rueda de Casino and Cuban popular dances, with 30 years of experience in teaching and dance.
Places of residence and preparation:
Brazil since 2000 - 2001.
USA Los Angeles from 2001 - 2007.
Stockholm - Sweden from 2015 to date.
He trained in other countries such as the United States, Brasil, Cuba, Spain, Germany, Switzerland, Venezuela, Mexico, Russia, France, Italy, Poland, among others.
Arturo was the founder of RUEDA EN EL PARQUE 2008 - 2012 in Lima - Peru, now there are more than 30 Ruedas groups in the different districts and parks of Lima.
In 2008 he created his Cultural Dance Association PERU LATIN DANCE, where he created his professional group with dancers from the National Folkloric Ballet, Peru Negro and Kimbafa, which won the National Rueda Championship in Peru twice 🇵🇪 2010 - 2011.
In 2015 he moved to Sweden where this year he will celebrate 10 years. He is married to a Swedish woman and they have 3 children.
In Stockholm and Uppsala he worked in two renowned dance schools:
Stockholm Salsa Dance 2015 - 2019
Uppsala DansCenter 2016 - 2019
He then created his own dance school called SALSA KING SWEDEN in Stockholm in 2017.
He is also an international judge for different Cuban dance competitions.
In 2021 he created a concept of teaching the different modalities of Rueda de Casino (Cuban Style) but with live percussion, which makes him the only Master in Europe to teach Rueda de Casino workshops with live music in Europe.
He also travels throughout Sweden in its different cities, also in Scandinavia and in Europe in the most important festivals and congresses of Cuban culture.
Merits representing Sweden:
World Rueda de Casino Championship
2016 Trondheim - Norway
● 3rd place 🥉🏆GRUPO AGUA
World Rueda de Casino Championship Malaga - Spain 2018
● 1st place - 🥇🏆 GRUPO AGUA
● 2nd place 🥈🏆 RUEDA FUERTE
National Rueda de Casino Championship in Sweden 2019 Sundsvall - Sweden
● 2nd place 🥈🏆 RUEDA VIKINGA
● 3rd place 🥉🏆RUEDA DINAMITA
World Rueda de Casino Championship Oslo - Norway 2022
● 2nd place 🥈🏆 GRUPO AGUA
● 3rd place 🥉🏆 RUEDA CANDELA
3 weeks ago in February of this year 2025, the maestro Arturo Rojas represented Sweden and Peru with his school SALSA KING SWEDEN at the largest Cuban dance event in the world, the Salsa Festival in Cuba, which took place from February 19 to 23 in Havana - Cuba, where only 4 schools in the world were chosen to present their shows at this festival for the first time.
He is also the organizer of international festivals in Sweden, Perú and Brasil.
Festivals organized by Arturo Rojas:
Mama Rumba Salsa Festival - Uppsala 🇸🇪
De La Habana a Eskilstuna 🇸🇪
Rueda Revolution - Stockholm 🇸🇪
De La Habana a Peru - Lima 🇵🇪
De La Habana a Brasil - Rio de Janeiro 🇧🇷
Contact me ( Ena ) to see availability.
300 SEK for all of the courses AND the social ( announced in a separate event).
You can email me ( [email protected] ), write me here on Facebook (Ena Grgić) or Instagram ( @gr.ena ) to apply and for all further questions.
Apply with your first name, surname and phone number, and we will get back to you with further instruction for payment.
Cash at the door will be accepted.
Event Venue
Värmlands Nation, Ingmar Bergmansgatan 2,Uppsala, Sweden