"Art enables us to find ourselves and lose ourselves at the same time." -- Thomas MertonPut your busy life on hold for a brief time and immerse yourself in the beauty and poignancy of Benjamin Britten's Canticles. These works for singers and piano cut straight to the heart of what it means to be human, with all its beauty and imperfection. In the intimate setting of Christ Church, let go of your to-do list and reconnect with what makes you, you.
Roger Isaacs, countertenor
Andrew Bearden Brown, tenor
George Fergus, piano
Admission | This concert, and all concerts on the Christ Church Concert Series, is FREE and open to the public.
Runtime | The program will last about 60 minutes.
Parking | Parking is free on Sundays, but be sure to leave enough time to find a spot in the busy downtown area.
Event Venue & Nearby Stays
28 Bull St., Savannah, GA, United States, Georgia 31401