About this Event
Sunday, May 18, 2025
Benefit Poker Run
Provided by Oliver Security Services
All Proceeds will go to the K9's for Warriors & Legends Never Die
50/50 Raffle Prizes, Foods, Drinks
Sponsored by D&D Catering
12-1PM 1st Stop POST#9059 VFW Dart, Crossroads
1-2PM 2nd Stop POST#1 American Legion Moose Hall
2-3PM 3rd Stop POST#7239 VFW Achusnet
3:30-4:30PM 4th Stop POST#6643 VFW Freetown (Food Served)
5:00-7:30PM 5th Stop The Vault Performing Arts Center
Registration Starts: 11am at The Vault
$30 Bikes
$20 Passenger
$20 Non Rider
Music By Waiting on Wednesday & Ricky Lee
Doors for the concert 5pm.
Music Starts at 5:30pm.
MUST BE 21 or OLDER with Valid ID for Entry.
All ticket sales are final. There are no refunds or exchanges unless the concert is postponed or cancelled.
There is NO SMOKING OR VAPING allowed inside The Vault or in the bathrooms. If you are caught doing either, you will be escorted off premises and forfeit your tickets.

Event Venue
The Vault Performing Arts Center & Pub, 791 Purchase Street, New Bedford, United States
USD 23.85 to USD 34.15