We're psyched to be returning to Arnold's on this DAYLIGHT SAVINGS TIME EVE !! :-D ⏰ ⏰ Don't forget to "Spring" your clocks ahead one hour when you get home from the gig :-D BedRock brings THE ULTIMATE HAIR BAND EXPERIENCE AND TRIBUTE TO 80's / 90's ROCK playing tunes from such great artists as:
✌️Bon Jovi
😈Motley Crue
🎩🥀Guns n Roses
🐆Def Leppard
⚡️ Metallica
🧟♀️ Maiden
and much more !!!
Old school 80's / 90's Rock tunes just like you remember them, and yes, you will see a lot of long hair 😃
Arnold's Lounge is a premiere venue with Live Music • Great Drinks & Service • Delicious items on the menu ~ Huge Dance Floor & nice big BAR! !
Don't forget to RSVP "GOING" on the event invite so Facebook sends you any updates and alerts right up to show day.
Grab your friends, come for dinner, then stay for the show and hang with us ! It's always a party when BedRock's in the house ! 🎈🎉
Hope to see you there !! 🤘🤘
~Videos of the band are in the "Discussion" section of this invite~
If you wanna check out some of BedRock's other performances, the dates and invite links are listed below:
Friday, Feb. 28th - Vystar Veterans Memorial Arena, Jacksonville (The Icemen VIP Reception, Performance #1):
Saturday, March 1st - Mustang Jax, Jacksonville - Showtime 8:30pm:
Sunday, March 2nd - Vystar Veterans Memorial Arena, Jacksonville (The Icemen VIP Reception, Performance #2):
Thursday, March 6th - BIKE WEEK - Saints and Sinners Pub, Ormond Beach - Showtime 12pm:
Saturday, April 12th - Beach Bowl, Jacksonville - Showtime 7pm:
Friday, June 13th - Whiskey Jax Baymeadows, Jacksonville - Showtime 8:30pm:
Event Venue & Nearby Stays
Arnold's, 3912 N Ponce de Leon Blvd, St Augustine, FL 32084-1282, United States,Saint Augustine, Florida