Badin LakeThis is a open event for anglers looking to compete in the 2025 fishing for catfish out of the kayak.
All rules can be found on main page files section.
Registration can be done by PayPal [email protected] (send money via FRIENDS and FAMILY)
Cut off will be Friday March 21st at 11:00pm
Entry Fee: $65 ($55 to pot $10 to big fish pot)
Smallest fish $5 side pot, doesn't count to your limit. It will be its own side pot.
(only public ramps)
Kayak only (peddle, paddle, electric motors only, NO GAS)
Lines-in: 5:30 am - Lines-out: 3:30pm
Launch time 4:30am (earliest launch)
Weigh in 4:30pm
(anglers must be there on time)
Weighins will be held at
3 fish limit. No minimum requirements for length.
First picture for judges should be identifier and selfie at ramp. Have 3 fish pictures ready for judges at time of weigh in, scoring will start between 4:30m to 5:00pm.
(possibly earlier if all angler are back by 4:30pm)
Kayak must be in pictures.
PFD Must Be Worn from time of launch to exit of the water.
More info/ rules can be found on main page.
Captain's Meeting will be
Pre recorded and released Thursday,
March 20th 7:30 pm
9 or less Winner take all main pot
10 anglers- 70% first, 30% 2nd, 3rd entry back
11 or more 50%, 30%, 20% split.
Big Fish side is a side pot.
Event Venue & Nearby Stays
Badin Lake, Badin, N.C., Denton, North Carolina, United States