About this Event
For safe and effective use, the facilities are only for non-walkers up to a maximum age of 18 months.
Please note the equipment is placed on the floor for safety. Should you have any difficulties with accessibility due to this set-up please contact your Health Visiting Team to make alternative arrangements.
Before booking please ensure you understand all the information and resources below:
Warwickshire Health Visiting Service are now offering baby self-weigh facilities at various sites across Warwickshire to expand on and complement the current service offer.
Your local Children and Family centre is a great place to take your child. Your Children and Family Centre provides support, activities and sessions aimed at parents with children up to 19 years old (or 25 for young people with additional needs) and their families, with a focus from conception to age 2.
Your local Children and Family Centre now has ‘self-weigh’ baby facilities available by appointment only and bookable here.
A Health professional is not available at the Self-weigh facilities. The ‘self-weigh’ facilities are for your own use as parents/carers to monitor the weight of your child and plot this in their Personal Child Health Record (red book). These self-weighing stations are in partnership with your Health Visiting appointments and will not replace any milestone and developmental checks that you will be offered.
The facilities are not for use where there is a health concern – in this circumstance we would recommend that you contact the Health Visiting Team for support/advice and an appointment when required, can be made at one of our Health Visitor clinics.
If your baby was born prematurely (earlier than 37 weeks gestation) the Health Visitor may be monitoring their growth. Please talk to your Health Visitor to assess if self-weighing is the right pathway for you and your child.

How often to weigh your baby (NHS: Your baby's weight and height) :
It is normal for a baby to lose some weight in the first few days after birth. Your baby should be weighed in the first week as part of their assessment of feeding – this is often completed as part of your midwife contact.
Most babies get back to their birth weight by 2 weeks of age. This is a sign that feeding is going well and that your baby is healthy.
Unless there is a medical reason and you have been advised to have more regular growth checks, weighing your baby too often may cause unnecessary concern; Weighing less often means you see a clearer longer term picture.
After your baby has returned to their birth weight and is feeding well they do not need to be weighed as often. This is usually by the time they are 2 weeks old, but your health visitor will advise you.
After the first 2 weeks your baby should be weighed:

Your baby will usually only be weighed more often than this if there are concerns about their health or growth.
Knowing they are growing:
Weighing less often doesn’t mean you can’t be confident that your baby is thriving. There are other ways to know that your baby is getting the nutrition they need. You can be reassured when;
• They wake up and ‘ask’ for a feed.
• They are having plenty of wet and dirty nappies.
• They have times when they are content and alert (awake and looking around).
• Their skin is a normal colour for them.
• You can ‘feel’ them getting heavier and friends and family comment on them getting bigger.
• They are growing out of nappy sizes and need bigger baby clothes!
• They are reaching milestones and interested in the world around them.
Who can help?
If you are concerned about your child’s weight/growth and feel you need support, you can contact a Health Visitor by calling your local Health Visiting Team or texting CHAT Health on 07520615293.
Our opening hours are 9am-5pm Monday-Friday (excluding bank holidays).
Alternatively you can go to see your GP to discuss concerns.
How we’re ensuring your safety at the self-weigh facilities:
• Please bring a face mask/covering to wear within the centre and during your scheduled appointment if required.
• Please arrive at the start of your designated 15 min appointment time
• For your safety, we’re staggering the times of appointments to ensure that there will only ever be 1 family accessing the Self Weigh Stations at the same time
• Hand Sanitiser will be provided for your use whilst in the centre
• Sanitising wipes will be available for use before and after using the facilities
• Please remember to adhere to any health & safety rules that may be present within the centre .
• Please only attend your appointment if you and your baby are well. This includes not attending for 48 hours if anyone in the household has had diarrhoea or vomiting.
Please note that when booking and using the facilities your booking information (name and email address) may be used to contact you for feedback/evaluation. It will not be used for any other purpose.
Event Venue & Nearby Stays
Boughton Leigh Children & Family Centre, Wetherell Way, Rugby, United Kingdom
GBP 0.00