The hearse will arrive at Jim’s house at 14:30.
Then will pass by pub to meet up with all the escort bikes & trikes.
All escort riders be ready to follow the hearse & family limos approx 14:25.
The Pallbearers will stop the traffic to allow all bikes out behind Jim.
Jims house is a couple of minutes away from the meet point.
I would ideally like everyone in place by 14:25 latest so that when Jim comes past the meet point,
Jim was an Avid biker, who has been riding since the late 60’s, he had a huge passion for classic bikes mostly, but also had a few modern.
I know that one of his most cherished bikes was a Vincent Black Knight.
Jim participated in rally’s all over Europe, and just last year was the main introduction host for bikes at the annual Kop Hill Climb.
I have already had a fantastic response from some local groups, but the more the merrier and the noisier the better!
Thanks for reaching out and any support and attendance will be greatly appreciated by us, and would of course be putting a smile on Jim’s face!
Many thanks Andrew
Legal Disclaimer! BEUK & its members have no involvement in organising any event posted in this group, we simply create the event for advertising only & for them to be shared around!!
Event Venue
Buckinghamshire Yeoman pub, Camborne Avenue, Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire , HP21 7UD., United Kingdom