Awaken your senses with Cacao, Breath and SoundHumans are Spiritual Beings with a Physical body.
We have a tendency to look after our physical body ok, but put less conscious effort into our spiritual side.
Is this because our physical body starts to scream out when in need:
I am hungry or thirsty!
I am cold or hot!
I am tired or I am full of beans and need to go on a run!
We have a clear message and so we do something about it.
But what about our spiritual and energetic wellbeing?
When we look after our Soul first, our Soul or higher self ( Master) will put everything into place to give our physical body the best possible journey on Planet Earth.
In this Mystery school we call life, we can learn the most, release most of old unwanted stuff or no longer required energy and live in a place of bliss and peace where we are creating our own new reality from one moment into an other.
Isn't that beautiful?
So let’s evolve together, come on a Journey with us and meet more of your beautiful soul family!
We have now fully moved into the Aquarian energy! How are we feeling?
Time to do some spring cleaning so to speak and shake off all the old Capricorn energy which tended to feel heavy, controlling and was built on old beliefs and old systems.
Aquarian energy however is light and airy and wants to be Free flowing!
In the last couple of weeks I have been finding so many feathers of all kinds and the message is that we have to become lighter so the Aquarian energy can lift us and take us places!
We will start the morning with Mother Cacao. She will help us to become more connected with our Heart space and she will be our medicine mother on this journey.
The breath will consciously connect us to our body and help us scrub out all the heavy left overs from past lifetimes, stuff that we have picked up this lifetime and all other attachment that no longer serve us.
The Sound Bathing will help to find our grounding space and connect deeply with Mother Earth. This is particularly important with the Aquarian energy that tends to take us “away” like a balloon up in the air with no strings attached, where our minds are very busy!
So Let us ground properly through the vibrations of the large gongs and sound bowls, open and connect with our base chakra and get into a beautiful Flowstate!
See you on the 15th of March
Megan and Piet
(The Quiet Cone & Stay Koel)
The Important Bits:
Date: Saturday 15th March 2025
Time: 9:30am - 12:30pm
Doors open at 9:00am
Price: $85.00 inc refreshments & Cacao
Comfortable mats, blankets and cushions are provided but please bring anything extra for your comfort you feel you might need.
Enquiries to Megan 0466 650 797
Booking & Payment link below
Event Venue & Nearby Stays
18 Hamilton St, Latrobe TAS 7307, Australia, 18 Hamilton St, Latrobe TAS 7307, Australia,Latrobe, Tasmania, Devonport