Ghost the Musical, adapted from the hit film by its Academy Award-winning screenwriter, Bruce Joel Rubin, GHOST THE MUSICAL follows Sam and Molly, a young couple whose connection takes a shocking turn after Sam’s untimely death. This romance builds comedy, suspense, and deeply felt emotion that audiences will never forget.Directors: Renee Alday & Corey Dinkins
Auditions: January 13th-14th, 2025
Show: May 3rd-18th, 2025
SAM WHEAT – 20’s, lead, male, office-worker in NYC, living with long-term girlfriend,
MOLLY JENSEN – 20’s, lead, female, artist living in NYC with boyfriend, SAM.
ODA MAE BROWN – 20’s – 40’s, lead, black female, spiritual advisor at a storefront
séance parlor in Brooklyn, told as a child that she had “the gift” by her mother and
grandmother (who were both able to communicate with the dead). Larger than life, able
to play for laughs but with sincerity and truth.
CARL BRUNER – 20’s, lead, male, “friend” and colleague of SAM. Strong actor and
singer who becomes corrupted and jealous of everything that SAM has, including
WILLIE LOPEZ – 18 – 20’s, a (possibly Hispanic) male, streetwise criminal. Not a
singing role.
SUBWAY GHOST – Male, any age. He believes the trains are his because he was
pushed onto the track and killed. Aggressive and powerful, a good physical actor is
required. He must be able to fight with SAM and physically and emotionally dominate
him. Not a singing role.
HOSPITAL GHOST – Can be played by a male or female and is one of the first ghosts
that SAM encounters and is usually played older but not necessary. A good comic actor
and singer.
CLARA – Female, Oda Mae’s sister/helper at her séance parlor. Comic role, good
LOUISE – Female, Oda Mae’s sister/helper at her séance parlor. Comic role, good
LIONEL FURGESON — A bank officer
DETECTIVE BEIDERMAN — NYPD homicide detective, can be played by a male or
OFFICER WALLACE — Can be played by a male or female
OFFICE ASSISTANT — Can be played by a male or female
MINISTER — Can be played by a male or female
ORTISHA JONES — Female client of ODA MAE
ORLANDO — A male ghost, deceased husband of ORTISHA JONES
NUN 1 — Female, any age
NUN 2 — Female, any age
Event Venue & Nearby Stays
First Presbyterian Church of Warner Robins, 1139 Watson Blvd, Warner Robins, GA 31093-3427, United States