Hilistalvine joogalaager külalisõpetaja Ricardo Martineziga!
Workshop toimub 28.02-02.03 Aparaaditehases, Tartu Ashtanga Jooga Koolis. Workshop sobib nii algajale kui ka edasijõudnud joogahuvilisele.
Workshop sisaldab:
✔︎ juhendatud tundi
✔︎ mysore'i praktikaid
✔︎ tehnikatundi
✔︎ inspireerivaid loenguid
✔︎ küsimuste ja vastusete sessioone
✔︎ mantrate sessiooni
✔︎ pranayama praktikaid
✔︎ brunchi
✔︎ joogakooli sünnipäevaüritust
NB! Workshop toimub inglise keeles., vajadusel tõlkega eesti keelde
Osalustasu 195€ (enne 14. veebruari)
225€ (alates 14. veebruarist)
Ashtanga jooga on vabadus: Patañjali tee
AJAKAVA: (ajakavas võib tulla veel ette mõningaid muudatusi)
Reede, 28. veebruar
7.00 Juhendatud tund
8.45 Pranayama / mantrate laulmise sessioon
9.15-10.45 Esimene tutvus Patañjali pärandiga: Samadhi Pada (tee vabanemise poole)
16.00 Ashtanga jooga/mysore
18.00 Esimene tutvus Patañjali pärandiga: Samadhi Pada (tee vabanemise poole)
Järgneb küsimuste ja vastuste sessioon
Laupäev, 1. märts
8.00-10.00 Ashtanga jooga/mysore
10.00-11.00 Sügavam mantrate ja pranayama sessioon
11.30 - 13.00 Brunch joogakoolis
13.00-15.00 Sügavam sukeldumine eneseteadvusesse: Sadhana Pada (distsipliini tee)
15.00 - 16.00 Küsimused/vastused
16.30 - 19.00 Ashtanga Jooga Kooli sünnipäev!
Pühapäev, 2. märts
7.30 Lühike mantrate laulmise ja pranayama sessioon
8.00-10.00 Ashtanga iseseisevad praktikad
10.00-11.30 Tehnikatund – tahapainutused (südame avamine)
Om Namah Shivaya!!!
Ricardo Martinez on sündinud Caracas Venezuelas, juba väga noorena köitsid teda jooga ja idamaa kultuurid. Siiski alles 2003. aastal, tänu ühele heale sõbrale, alustas ta joogapraktikaga. 2007 aastal nägi Ricardo Lino Miele jooga chikitsa full vinyasa videot, see paelus teda kohe. Ricardo ütleb, et see praktika muutis ta elu. Talle meeldib selle vägi, intensiivsvus ja vaimustav keskendumine hingamisele, lisaks veel energia laienemine. Ashtanga vinyasa jooga teed on ta hoidnud sellest ajast saadik.
2008. aastal käis Ricardo esimest korda Indias, et kohtuda oma õpetajaga ( Lino Miele). Ta soovis kontrollida, kas ta on ikka päris inimene, ta avastas, et Lino on üks parimaid inimesi maailmas. Sellest ajast alates ta teadis, et on leidnud oma õpetaja.
Ricardo Martinez on õpetanud ashtanga vinyasa joogat traditsioonilisel viisil alates 2008. aastast Venezuelas, Colombias, Ungaris, Hispaanias, Itaalias, Lätis, Venemaal, Saksamaal, Eestis, Kasahstanis ja Indias.
2013. aasta juunis sai ta Lino õnnistuse ashtanga vinyasa jooga meetodi õpetamiseks pärast süvaõpingute lõpetamist Itaalias Ca le Suores, saades sel viisil tema assistendiks töötubades ja retriitidel Indias ja mujal maailmas.
Praegu on tema ashtanga vinyasa jooga meetodile põhiliseks lähenemise teedeks energiavoolu järgimine, hingamine, liikumise jõud koos hingamisega (vinyasa süsteem) ja pranayama praktika.
2014. aastal lõpetas ta Lino juhendamisel edasijõudnute A-seeria (Sthira Bhagah Samapta) ja 2015. aastal hakkas Lino Miele teda juhendama edasijõudnute B seerias.
Alates 2015. aastast on ta intensiivselt ja täie pühendumuse ning katkematult töötanud salapärase 7. seeria kallal. Selleks on pereelu, just isaks olemine. Ricardo peab seda oma elu kõige võimsamaks, ümberkujundavamaks, karmimaks, rahuldust pakkuvamaks kogemuseks.
SAVE THE DATE! The long-awaited winter yoga workshop with guest instructor Ricardo Martinez is here!
The workshop is suitable for both beginners and advanced yoga enthusiasts 😉.
The workshop will take place on February 28th - March 2nd at Aparaaditehas, Tartu Ashtanga Yoga School. The program includes guided classes, mysore practice, technique class, inspirational lectures, question and answer sessions, chanting of mantras, pranayama practices, also brunch and Ashtanga Yoga School birthday event!
Participation fee: €195 (before February 14)
€ 225 (from February 14)
Ashtanga Yoga is freedom: Patañjali's path
28of February - Friday
Morning: 7.00 Led class
8.45 Pranayama/Mantra Shanting session
9.15-10.45 First approach to Patañjali's legacy: samadhi padah (the path towards liberation)
Evening: 16.00 Ashtanga yoga/mysore
18.00 First approach to Patañjali's legacy: samadhi padah (the path towards liberation)
Followed Q/A
1st of March - Saturday
8.00-10.00 Ashtanga yoga/mysore
10.00-11.00 Deeper mantra chanting and pranayama session
11.30 - 13.00 Brunch
13.00 - 15.00 Deeper immersion into the self consciousness: sadhana padah (the path of the discipline)
15.00 - 16.00 Questions/Answers
16.30 - 19.00 Ashtanga Yoga School birthday!
2nd of March - Sunday:
7.30 Short mantra chanting and pranayama session
8.00 - 10.00 Ashtanga yoga/mysore
10.00 - 11.30 Technical session - heart openings (backbends)
Om namah shivaya!!!
ABOUT TEACHER - Ricardo Martinez!
Born in Caracas Venezuela, since very young I've been always attracted to yoga and the eastern cultures. But it was not until 2003, thanks to one of my best friends back home, when I started to explore the world within, I started the yoga practice.
It was in 2007 after receiving a video from a friend (Lino Miele's yoga chikitsa full vinyasa) which changed my life, when I started, self taught, the ashtanga vinyasa yoga practice attracted by its power, strength and mind-blowing focus on the breath and energy expansion, keeping that path ever since.
In 2008 I decided to go to India to meet my teacher (Lino Miele) for the first time, after being trapped by the way he was breathing and moving in that video. I wanted to check if he was a real human being, and I found that he is one of the best human beings on the whole world.
From the first time I saw him, we talked, he touched me, I knew that I found my teacher. So I stayed with him eversince, travelling every year to India to stay with him for 2 months. Also attending to workshops and retreats in Italy as well.
I've been teaching ashtanga yoga in the traditional way since 2008 in Venezuela, Colombia, Hungary, Spain, Italy, Latvia, Russia, Germany, Estonia, Kazakhstan and India.
In june 2013, I received Lino's blessing for teaching the ashtanga vinyasa yoga method, after completing his indepth study in Ca le Suore, italy. Becoming, in this way, his assistant in workshops and retreats in India and around the world.
In the present my main approach to the method is the flow of energy, the breath itself, the power of the movement in combination with the breath (the vinyasa system) and the pranayama practice, which is the gate to reach the state of self consciousness, of pure awareness, the gate to reach God through devotion, through surrendering to the self.
In 2014 guided by Lino I finished advanced A series (Sthira Bhagah Samapta) and in 2015 he started guiding me through advanced B, which is still in progress.
As for right now, and since 2015 I've been working intensely, constantly, with full devotion and non stop (combined with my original practice) in what many call the 7th series, the family life, being a father... in my humble and personal opinion the most powerful, transformative, tough, fulfilling and humbling experience in my life until this point.
Event Venue & Nearby Stays
Ashtanga Jooga Tartu, Kastani 42, Tartu, 50410 Tartu Maakond, Eesti,Tartu, Estonia