Tudi v mesecu marcu obiščemo kreativno središče Center Rog v Ljubljani. Od aprila do oktobra pa nas boste lahko ponovno obiskali na Gallusovem nabrežju ob Ljubljanici, kjer bomo prisotni vsako suho soboto. ARTish ni le prostor, kjer se zbirajo ustvarjalci. Je prostor, kjer si lahko mimoidoči spočijejo oči, se napolnijo z ustvarjalno energijo, ki jo s svojimi unikatnimi deli širijo ustvarjalci, se naučijo česa novega, se obdarijo in poklepetajo z ARTish-ani.
prijave in več INFO: [email protected]
začetek prijav: 07.01.2025
zadnji rok prijav: 07.03.2025
Organizator: ARTish, Center ROG
ARTish je svoja vrata prvič odprl decembra 2011, s štiri dnevnim dogajanjem v zapuščenem podhodu Ajdovščina v Ljubljani. Od tega dne dalje s projektom ARTish nadaljujemo s svojim poslanstvom.
ARTish je enkratna priložnost, da umetniki / ustvarjalci / kraftarji predstavite svoja unikatna dela širši publiki, povabite svoje stranke, prijatelje, se podružite z ostalimi sotrpini in dan preživite v krasni družbi krasnih in kreativnih ljudi! Mi poskrbimo za odlično organizacijo in komunikacijo, dobro promocijo vsakega sodelujočega posebej, vsak dogodek ovekovečimo s fotografijami, ki jih sodelujoči lahko uporabijo v lastne promocijske namene, tudi svetujemo, v kolikor je potreba in pa povežemo z mediji in ostalimi, ki se obrnejo na nas z željo po kontaktiranju določenega ARTishana.
"ARTish je dober primer dobre prakse. Naj se zgolj ne nadaljuje, naj se širi po državi." (Studio City)
The opening of the ARTish season 2024 will take place in the ROG center on March 9, 2024, between 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. From April to October, you will be able to visit us again on the Gallus embankment by the Ljubljanica, where we will be present every dry Saturday.
If, as a creator, you want to become part of our story or join us, send a message to [email protected].
ARTish is not just a place where creators gather. It is a place where passers-by can rest their eyes, be filled with the creative energy spread by creators with their unique works, learn something new, give themselves gifts and chat with ARTish-ans.
ARTish opened its doors for the first time in December 2011, with a four-day event in the abandoned Ajdovščina underpass in Ljubljana. From this day on, with the ARTish project, we continue with our mission, that from the month of March, when we traditionally start the season at Kino Šiška, until the end of October, every non-rainy Saturday on the Gallus embankment by the Ljubljanica becomes a common place for creators, artists and many who art they live on a daily basis and thus get the opportunity to exchange ideas, opinions and encourage each other in their work.
ARTish is a unique opportunity for artists / creators / crafters to present their unique works to a wider audience, invite your customers, friends, socialize with other fellow sufferers and spend the day in the wonderful company of wonderful and creative people! We take care of excellent organization and communication, good promotion of each participant individually, we immortalize each event with photos that the participants can use for their own promotional purposes, we also advise if necessary and connect with the media and others who contact us with the desire to contact a certain ARTishan.
We have also expanded ARTish to the wonderful Radovljica, where you can find us every Thursday in July as part of the Okusi Radol'ce events and in the festive December, where we turn the Radovljica mansion into a colorful fairy tale of unique products.
"ARTish is a good example of good practice. It should not just continue, it should spread across the country." (Studio City)
Organizer: ARTish, Center ROG
Event Venue & Nearby Stays
Center Rog, Trubarjeva cesta 72, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija,Ljubljana, Slovenia