Art History Talk - Gwen John

Thu Jul 10 2025 at 02:00 pm to 03:00 pm UTC+01:00

Penarth Pier Pavilion | Penarth

Penarth Pier Pavilion
Publisher/HostPenarth Pier Pavilion
Art History Talk -  Gwen John
The Sound of Silence, the art of Gwen John
About this Event

Art History Talk – The Sound of Silence, the art of Gwen John

Date: Thursday 10th July 2025

Timings: 2.00pm for the Lecture, followed by Tea & Cake in the Pavilion Gallery at 3pm (doors open from 1.30pm)

Venue: Penarth Pier Pavilion

Ticket/s: £15.75per person (+ booking fee) - Ticket price includes Tea & Cake.

Gwen John is renowned for her haunting portraits of solitary women.
Yet, contrary to the image of the reclusive artist, this pupil of Whistler, admirer of Cézanne, and lover of Rodin was a forward-thinking artist whose work was ahead of its time.
For many years, she was overshadowed by her flamboyant brother Augustus and her turbulent affair with Rodin. But Gwen forged a unique path in the art world, defying conventions with her luminous portraits and quiet interiors.

‘Without sacrificing scholarship, Stella Grace Lyons has a most engaging way of hooking an audience into sharing her passionate interest in art history, drawing three dimensional human stories and experiences from the two-dimensional canvas'
- Maev Kennedy, Guardian Arts Correspondent

Stella Grace Lyon’s talk unveils the enigmatic brilliance of a Welsh woman who proved that stillness could be revolutionary.

Following the talk, please stay for tea and cake, served in the Pavilion’s beautiful Gallery.

Sgwrs Hanes Celf – ‘The Sound of Silence,’ celf Gwen John

Dyddiad: Dydd Iau 10 Gorffennaf 2025

Amser: 2.00pm ar gyfer y Ddarlith, wedyn Te a Chacen yn Oriel y Pafiliwn am 3pm (drysau ar agor o 1.30pm)

Lleoliad: Pafiliwn Pier Penarth

Tocyn(nau): £15.75 y pen (+ ffi archebu) - Mae pris y tocyn yn cynnwys te a chacen.

Mae Gwen John yn enwog am ei phortreadau atgofus o fenywod unig.
Ac eto, yn groes i’r ddelwedd o artist enciliol, roedd hi, a oedd yn ddisgybl i Whistler, yn edmygydd i Cézanne, ac yn gariad i Rodin, yn artist arloesol yr oedd ei gwaith o flaen ei amser.
Am flynyddoedd lawer, buodd hi yng nghysgod ei brawd blodeuog, Augustus, a'i pherthynas gythryblus â Rodin. Ond ffurfiodd Gwen lwybr unigryw yn y byd celf, gan herio confensiynau gyda'i phortreadau goleuol a'i mewnluniau tawel.

‘Heb aberthu ysgolheictod, mae Stella Grace Lyons yn defnyddio dull hynod ddifyr o ennyn diddordeb cynulleidfa i rannu ei brwdfrydedd dros hanes celf, gan dynnu straeon a phrofiadau dynol tri dimensiwn o’r cynfas dau ddimensiwn’
- Maev Kennedy, Gohebydd Celfyddydau The Guardian

Bydd sgwrs Stella Grace Lyon yn datgelu athrylith enigmatig y Gymraes a brofodd y gallai llonyddwch fod yn chwyldroadol.

Ar ôl y sgwrs, mae croeso mawr i chi aros i gael te a chacen, wedi'u gweini yn Oriel hardd y Pafiliwn.


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Penarth Pier Pavilion, The Esplanade, Penarth, United Kingdom


GBP 17.77

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