Apex Fun Run is coming to Jeffers: February 27-March 9, 2023!Apex combines fitness, fundraising, and leadership to build students’ character education, while raising funds for our school.
The 2-week program will wrap up with a FUN RUN on Thursday, March 9. Students will have the opportunity to run laps as they raise money for their school.
There will be 2 runs, divided by grade level:
8::45-9:45 AM (Pre-K to 2nd grade)
9:45-10:45 AM (3rd grade to 6th grade)
Families are invited to cheer on students as they run!
Volunteers are needed to mark the students' shirts and assist with the water station on March 9th.
To volunteer for Apex and other PTA opportunities, sign-up here: https://bit.ly/JeffersPTAVolunteer23
Event Venue
Chula Vista 91913, Chula Vista