While Becky confides to her therapist, John's frustrated mistress loses her patience and confronts Becky just before pulling off another heist. The incident proves cathartic and radically changes the lives of all involved.
Michigan playwright Sean Paraventi tackles the serious topic of depression, while injecting humor and characters that many will relate to.
"Depression is a very serious matter, and the world can be an overwhelming place," says Sean. "Becky, the hero in our story, finds a very unique way to deal with her depression: She (accidentally?) turns to shoplifting. Ridiculous? Maybe. Absurd? Perhaps, but perhaps no more absurd than the other methods people use to escape unpleasant realities, such as drugs and alcohol, or binge watch shows on streaming services."
Event Venue
17029 W. 13 MILE RD., 48076, 17029 W 13 Mile Rd, Southfield, MI 48076-1240, United States,Southfield, Michigan