"A Rainbow’s Last Wish" presents “Doors”Come with us on an adventure to discover the worlds beyond the doors of our imaginations. Enjoy the moment we pass through a door and find ourselves in a place we do not yet know. The epic sceneries, unique people, and colorful snippets of daily life in this strange new world are ours to explore. A Rainbow's Last Wish is guided by magical realism, poetry, movement, and maybe even stories – as long as we are all in this together. Prepare your heart to experience something most beautiful.
We will have the right key.
Cast: Helene Charlewood, Shawn Fisher, Nina-Marie Mayer, Christoph Pöll, Anne Rab, Caroline Scherleitner, Christof Schmidt, Hanna Scharf, Valerian Stöger
Time: 19.00 doors open, 19.30 show starts
Location: Aera, Gonzagagasse 11, 1010 Vienna
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Event Venue & Nearby Stays
Aera, Werdertorgasse 8, 1010 Wien, Österreich,Wien, Österreich, Austria