"Amit Kumar Live in Concert" is an enchanting musical event featuring the legendary playback singer Amit Kumar. Known for his melodious voice and timeless hits, Amit Kumar will take the audience on a nostalgic journey through Bollywood's golden era. The concert promises an evening filled with his classic songs, including unforgettable tracks like "Bade Achhe Lagte Hain" and "Yaad Aa Rahi Hai." With a blend of soulful melodies and energetic performances, this event is a must-attend for music lovers who cherish the rich heritage of Indian cinema and its evergreen tunes..
Event Venue & Nearby Stays
Kashinath Ghanekar Natyagruha: Thane (W), Doctor Kashinath Ghanekar Natyagruha, Hiranandani Meadows, Ghodbunder Road, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400028, India
INR 749