All That Jazz - Špela-English below-
Gre za tečaj avtentičnega jazz-a (angleško Vernacular Jazz), ki je eden izmed plesov iz družine swinga. Pleše se solo. Je zabaven, svoboden, ritmičen in igriv, saj ima afro-ameriške korenine. Na tečaju se bomo posvetili tako učenju klasičnih korakov, kot tudi razvijanju lastnega giba in samostojni interpretaciji glasbe. Tečaj je navdahnjen z avtentičnostjo plesalk/cev, ki so ta ples ustvarili v 20ih, 30ih in 40ih letih prejšnjega stoletja.
🔸 Tečaj: All That Jazz, solo redni tečaj
🔸 Nivo: Tečaj je odprt za vse nivoje, ne glede na predznanje.
🔸 Učiteljica: Špela Premelč
🕧 Datum in ura: Ob torkih med 8:45 in 9:45, od 1.4. do 17.6.2025 (razen 29.4.2025)
🏡 Lokacija: Bottoms Up Studio, Celovška cesta 172, 1000 Ljubljana
❗️ Za udeležbo na tečaj se je potrebno predhodno prijaviti, kar lahko narediš s plesnim partnerjem ali brez. Da bi lahko zagotovili primerno razmerje med leaderji in followerji, boste tisti, ki se prijavite sami, morda uvrščeni na čakalno listo. Med tečajem priporočamo, da menjaš plesne partnerje – tudi tisti, ki se na tečaj prijavite v paru, ne boste celo plesno uro plesali zgolj s plesnim partnerjem, s katerim ste se prijavili na tečaj. Všeč nam je ideja, da vsi plešemo z vsemi.
Ponujamo 30 % popust na vsak naslednji tečaj (po prvem). V kolikor plačaš celoten znesek tečaja, prejmeš 30 % popust na vsak dodaten tečaj. Tega popusta se ne da kombinirati s študentskim popustom ali letno tečajnino. V primeru, da se odločite za 30% popust na drugi tečaj, za nobenega od teh dveh ne morete koristiti popusta na letno tečajnino.
ℹ️ Če imaš kakšno vprašanje, nas kontaktiraj: [email protected]
💛 Sledi nam:
— English —
This is a course in authentic jazz (Vernacular Jazz), one of the dances of the swing family. It is danced solo. It is fun, free, rhythmic and playful, as it has African-American roots. The course will focus on learning the classical steps, as well as developing your own movement and independent interpretation of the music. The course is inspired by the authenticity of the dancers who created this dance in the 1920s, 30s and 40s.
🔸 Course: All That Jazz, solo regular course
🔸 Level: The course is open to all levels, regardless of experience.
🔸 Teacher: Špela Premelč
🕧 Date and time: On Tuesdays between 8:45 and 9:45, from 1.4. to 17.6.2025 (except 29.4.2025)
🏡 Location: Bottoms Up Studio, Celovška cesta 172, 1000 Ljubljana
❗️ Participation in the course requires preliminary registration which you can do with or without a partner. In order to ensure the proper leader-follower ratio, those registering without a partner might be placed on a waiting list. During the classes, we suggest changing dance partners, so even those who sign up with “their” dance partner will not dance with him/her for the entire lesson. We like the idea that everyone dances with everyone.
We offer a 30% discount on each subsequent course (after the first). If you pay the full amount of the course, you will receive a 30% discount on each additional course. This discount cannot be combined with the student discount or the annual course fee. If you opt for the 30% discount on the second course, you cannot benefit from the discount on the annual course fee for either of these two courses.
ℹ️ If you have any further questions, please contact us: [email protected]
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Celovška cesta 172., 1000, Ljubljana, Slovenia