Aerial Yogilates - Power

Thu Apr 18 2024 at 06:15 pm to 07:15 pm

Karina Yoga | Tallinn

Karina Yoga
Publisher/HostKarina Yoga
Aerial Yogilates - Power
(English Version Below)
Selles tunnis kombineerime jõu ja venituse üheskoos. Tule tee hingele pai!
Mis on aerial Yogilates
Aerial Yogilates on kombinatsioon joogast ja pilatesest ning õhuakrobaatikast, mis annab tugeva koormuse keha sisemistele tüvilihastele ja ülakehale. Samuti aitab gravitasiooni trotsiv Yogilates vabaneda hirmudest, mis takistavad keha ja meele vabakslaskmist akrobaatilistes asanates. Tund aitab ette valmistada edasjõudnud asanateks nagu kätel - ning peapealseis ja skorpion. Yogilateses teeme ka süvavenitusi.Terve tunni jooksul praktiseerime Pranayamat - ujjayi hingamist.
NB! Osalemiseks registreeru FB-ks vajutades going!
Aerial Yogilates - It it a fun & challenging Yoga class, which is a mixture of Yoga, Pilates and a bit of Aerial silk skills brought together by ancient breathing techniques like Ujjayi. There is no Yoga without breath! Since all Karina Yoga classes are held in small groups they have a personal touch. Class is for all levels - we learn how to wire down the ego and listen to our bodies. Aerial Yogilates is performed on a cotton hammock. Hanging upside down in the air is very beneficial for the spine. With aging our spines tend to compress, Aerial Yogilates fights aging and streches out your spine. It is clinically proven that Aerial Yoga helps with Scolioses. However, Aerial Yogilates is not only good for the body, but also for the mind. It brings you back to childhood when we were free from fear and anxciety. Participating in the class you will learn how to let go of fear and trust yourself. This class helps you prepare for inversions like handstands, headstands and scorpio pose. Aerial Yogilates also strengthens your upper body, core, deepens flexibility and helps you psychologically to let go of things that don't serve you anymore.
Contribution is based on donation

Event Venue & Nearby Stays

Karina Yoga, Narva maantee 40, Kesklinn, Tallinn, 10150 Harju Maakond, Eesti,Tallinn, Estonia

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