ACRES OUTDOORS - Animals of the Mangroves - Sungei Buloh, June 2024

Tue Jun 11 2024 at 08:30 am to 12:00 pm

Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve | Woodlands

ACRES OUTDOORS  -  Animals of the Mangroves - Sungei Buloh, June 2024
ACRES Outdoor programme during the June school holidays! Join us for a nature walk to spot and learn about animals of the mangroves.
About this Event

ACRES Outdoors aims to bring children outdoors to learn how to behave in a safe way in a natural environment which includes plants, wild animals and the terrain.

Through having fun and an immersive experience in a beautiful nature area, guided by our outdoor education staff, we hope children will:

(a) learn how to behave safely and responsibly when outdoors in nature areas, and when encountering wild animals.

(b) appreciate nature's beauty and value, connect with nature, and become its protectors.

Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve is a good place for children to see and learn about animals of the mangrove swamps, a type of habitat that was once common all over Singapore.

Fee: These events are being carried out on a donation basis in conjunction with ACRES' Gala fundraising campaign. Donations to this campaign are being matched by the Tote Board and are elligible for a 250% tax deduction. So, for every $10 you donate, ACRES gets $20 and $25 of your income will not be taxed. Suggested donation is $50 per attendee, $25 if you cannot afford that. To donate to ACRES Gala Fundraising Campaign, please see this Giving.SG page:


( 1 ) Date & Venue: Tues 11 June 2024 (9:00am-12:30pm): Meet at Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve Visitor Centre, 60 Kranji Way, Singapore 739453

( 2 ) Age group: Aimed at children 9 to 12 years old. Younger children may come if they are able to walk the distance (around 5 km). Adults such as parents or helpers can also accompany children to learn about nature together. Tickets to be bought by adults only.

( 3 ) Group size: maximum 20 people

Programme outline:

9 .00am: Gather at meeting point - sheltered area at visitor centre at Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve. Briefing on walk. Sharing on what to do and what not to do when encountering wildlife such as snakes and crocodiles or bees, how to avoid snakebite, first aid for venomous snakebite. Plan route on map. Caring for nature.

9.30am: Start nature and wildlife discovery walk. Play a nature bingo game during the walk. Learn about animals and plants. No guarantees but animals that might be seen include crabs, mudskippers and other fish, many types of snails, birds, snakes, bats, squirrels, and maybe crocodiles. Plants include mangroves, nipah or attap palms, and other coastal trees and plants.

11.00am: Snack break and walk back towards start point.

12.15pm: End of walk. Fun quiz session.

12.30pm: End of programme at same location as meeting point.
Wet Weather Plan: If there is rain but no lightning alert, we will walk in the rain wearing raincoats. If there is lightning warning, we will seek shelter and conduct alternate activities under shelter.

Event Photos
Event Photos

Important Info
  • Please register each attendee by "buying" a ticket here so we can get important information like emergency contact number.

Things to bring:
  • Participants MUST wear COVERED SHOES for safety reasons. No slippers or sandals.
  • Long trousers are recommended.
  • Bring a small bag to contain other items.
  • Bring at least 1 Litre of drinking water.
  • Eat breakfast before going.
  • Bring a snack.
  • Bring a bag to keep rubbish such as snack wrappers.
  • Bring mosquito repellent. There are mosquitoes in the area. Spray type is better than patch type.
  • Bring sun protection such as a hat, sunblock.
  • Bring rain protection such as a rain coat or poncho.
  • Bring a pencil for activities like nature bingo.
  • Bring some tissue paper in case the public toilet has none.
  • Bring any Medic*tion if needed (eg. asthma inhaler, epi pen)
  • Optional: Phone or camera for photos, binoculars to look at distant animals

Getting there by public transport

To get to Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve VIsitor Centre. 60 Kranji Way, Singapore 739453:

Take bus 925 from Woodlands Temporary Bus Interchange (WTBI, the old interchange at ground level, not the one in the basement) (~45 mins bus ride) or bus stop opposite Marsiling MRT (~35 mins bus ride). You can also take it from Choa Chu Kang Bus Interchange (~50 mins bus ride) if coming from the South or West. 925 also stops at Kranji MRT but during peak period in the morning it is often too crowded to board it there, so take it from Marsiling or Woodlands instead.

When bus 925 drives onto the dam at Kranji Way so you can see Johor Bahru on your right and Kranji Reservoir on your left, press the bell to alight. The bus stop is in the car park at the end of the dam (Kranji Reservoir Park B) where the bus turns around.

From the bus stop in Kranji Park B, walk left along the road, cross the road carefully at the push-button traffic light and enter the gate of Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve (SBWR). Follow the curving footpath over the pond bridge to the visitor centre.
Click Here for a map of SBWR from Nparks

Event Photos
Event Photos
Event Photos

Terms and Conditions:
  1. Tickets and registration are on a first-come, first-serve basis.
  2. Tickets to be bought by adults aged above 18 for themselves or their children.
  3. The organiser reserves the right to make changes to the event programme - including but not limited to venue, schedule, and content - without prior notice.
  4. The organiser reserves the right to cancel or reschedule the event due to unforeseen circumstances beyond the organiser's control. Registered participants will be notified via email or other means of communication provided during registration. Please check you email the evening before going in case there are any such changes.
  5. By participating in the event, participants agree to indemnify the organiser from any claims, injury, damages, losses, or expenses arising out of their participation (see below).
  6. Participants acknowledge that photographs, videos, or audio recordings may be taken during the event, and agree to grant the organiser the right to use such media for promotional or documentation purposes.

Assumption of Risk, Waiver of Liability & Indemnity Agreement

By buying tickets for the above Activity you agree to the following (parents/guardians agree on behalf of their children):
1. I wish to participate in the above Activity.

2. I warrant that I am in good health and have no physical condition that would endanger my life while participating in the Activity.

3. I am responsible for bringing my own drinking water, insect repellent, rain and sun protection, personal Medic*tion if needed, and wearing appropriate clothing and footwear (covered shoes).

4. I am fully aware and acknowledge that the Activity takes place in an outdoor setting where there are risks including, but not limited to, the risk of being bitten or stung by insects or other animals, the risk of falling trees and branches, the risk of tripping and falling on uneven or slippery surfaces, and the risk of being affected by inclement weather.

5. Whilst reasonable safety precautions will be taken by ACRES and/or its agent/s to minimise risks to the participants, I understand that I take part in the Activity as a participant at my own risk. I confirm and agree that ACRES and/or its agent/s will not be held liable by me for any personal injury or death arising from my participation in the Activity or for any loss of or damage to my property arising from my participation in the Activity, except if it is caused directly by ACRES's or its agent/s' gross negligence.

6. In consideration of ACRES allowing me to participate in the Activity, I undertake that if, in the course of the Activity, I deliberately or negligently cause any injury (fatal or otherwise) to any person or any damage to or loss of any property of any person, I shall indemnify ACRES if that suffering person makes claims or takes actions against ACRES or ACRES has to pay for costs or expenses.


Event Venue & Nearby Stays

Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve, 60 Kranji Way, Woodlands, Singapore


SGD 0.00

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