Access Bars Training, London, HA5

Mon May 13 2024 at 09:00 am to 05:00 pm

Choose Joy with Eva Pecze | Pinner

Choose Joy with Eva Pecze
Publisher/HostChoose Joy with Eva Pecze
Access Bars Training, London, HA5

Access Bars is a wonderful and gentle way of releasing stress and letting go of stuck feelings, emotions and belief systems with total ease. You don’t need to do anything just lay down and receive. You can even fall asleep.
How does it work?
While someone gently holds the 32 Bars points on your head your brain waves slow down into a deep meditative state and your brain start to dissipate your limitations which are all stored there as electromagnetic charge. It creates more space, clarity and peace in the mind. The more you receive the more you start to feel that things which normally triggering for you don’t have an affect on you anymore.
Neuroscientist found that a 90 min session can drop the level of anxiety with up to 80%.
Access Bars can be done on any age groups and children require shorter sessions than adults. Parents have reported amazing changes in their children’s behaviour once they started to give them mini sessions:
- better focus at school
- more happiness
- increased self-esteem
- ease with making friends
- less challenging behaviour- in case of teenagers as well
- helps with anxiety, nightmares, wetting the bed
- more acceptance towards their own selves and their bodies
- helps with panic, phobias, autism, ADHD, OCD

As a grown up Access Bars can assist you in any field of your life where you desire change. You have information and points of you stored in your mind about everything so when you allow those limitations to let go things can change for you.
-Immediately drops the level of anxiety and depression
-Quiets the distracting chatter in your head
-Creates a lasting feeling of peace and well-being
-Improves your relationships with others and yourself
-Allowance for your body - improves physical health
-You just simply start 'being you' more and more and let go of the fear of being judged by others.
In the class you learn the location of the 32 Bars points on the head, receive a session twice and also give twice. We also talk about some other tools of Access Consciousness and I teach you the use of 3 body processes; one that helps you to boost your immune system, one that can bring ease to people with terminal disease, and one which is highly effective in case of PTSD.
Fee: £340
Repeat price: £170
Children are very welcome and it’s free for them under 15.
16-17 years old: £135
It includes: manual, 2 headcharts and refreshments.
48b Bridge Street
This is a tool that can truly change your whole life. It changed mine. ☺️
Please, if you have got any questions feel free to message me.

Event Venue & Nearby Stays

Choose Joy with Eva Pecze, Pinner, United Kingdom

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