Abyss Awakens follows the lives of a diverse group of Fallen Angels in possession of human beings that must manage the British town of Broseley in the 1920s against the backdrop of a war with Imperial Russia. The town of Broseley is filled with its own mysteries and secrets as no Fallen Angel community has managed to live there for more than a year before mysteriously vanishing.This is a monthly alternate history LARP that combines the mysteries of ancient fallen angels with a World War II-style British Home Front under threat by Imperial Russia. This LARP focuses on uncovering intrigue, understanding secrets and unpicking the threats to the town.
General $12
Concession $10
Event Venue & Nearby Stays
Guide Hall, 9 Guerin St, Salisbury SA 5108, 9 Guerin St, Salisbury SA 5108, Australia,Adelaide, South Australia