A Tribute to Pink Floyd - by echoes

Sat, 26 Apr, 2025 at 08:00 pm UTC+02:00

Artikuss | Differdange

A Tribute to Pink Floyd - by echoes
Le groupe hommage à Pink Floyd echoes continue cependant de porter cet héritage légendaire et ce dans une formation entièrement renouvelée et fraîche. Les deux fondateurs du groupe continuent de garantir la constance au plus haut niveau et maintiennent avec succès le navire echoes de Pink Floyd Tribute depuis trois décennies ( !) et plus de 500 concerts dans douze pays. Unique en Europe.
echoes emmène son public dans un voyage hautement émotionnel vers la face cachée de la lune, d'Ummagumma à Meddle, Dark Side of the Moon, Wish You Were Here, Animals et The Wall, jusqu'à l'ère post-Waters. En plus d'un « Best of Pink Floyd » complet, certaines œuvres tombées dans l'oubli seront à nouveau entendues.
echoes présente un spectacle spécial, qui rend également justice à l'aspect audiovisuel des gigantesques concerts de Pink Floyd : un son live parfait, puissant et transparent, un show lumineux élaboré avec de nombreux projecteurs, des projections vidéo assistés par ordinateur et de nombreux autres éléments des spectacles originaux de Pink Floyd.
Pink Floyd - giants of progressive and art rock, architects of enormous magical sound buildings with unique musical aesthetics, masters of ceremonies for bombastic live shows - a monolith in the stream of rock history, style-defining for generations of musicians and bands. Pink Floyd are one of the greatest bands of all time and have long held their place in the rock Olympus.
However, the Pink Floyd tribute band echoes carries on this legendary legacy. And it does so with a new, fresh line-up. The two band founders, who have successfully kept the Pink Floyd tribute flagship echoes on course for three decades (!) and well over 500 concerts in twelve countries, continue to guarantee consistency and the highest level of quality. Unique in Europe.
echoes take their audience on a highly emotional journey to the dark side of the moon, from "Ummagumma" to Meddle, Dark Side of the Moon, Wish You Were Here, Animals and The Wall, right through to the post-Waters era. In addition to a comprehensive "Best of Pink Floyd", some works that have almost been forgotten will also be heard again.
echoes present an almost three-hour spectacle specially designed for them, which also does justice to the audiovisual aspect of Pink Floyd's gigantic concerts : perfect, powerful and transparent live sound, an elaborate light show with numerous intelligent spotlights, computer-controlled video projections and numerous other elements of Pink Floyd's original shows.

Event Venue & Nearby Stays

Artikuss, Artikuss, L-4477 Belvaux, Luxembourg,Soleuvre, Differdange


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