Robert Lloyd Parry yn cyflwyno Straeon Ysbrydion gan M R James wedi'u hadrodd dan olau cannwyllDros ganrif wedi iddynt gael eu cyhoeddi gyntaf, mae straeon ysbrydion M R James wedi cadw eu gallu i ddychryn a difyrru.
Mae'r sioe wefreiddiol un dyn hon yn ailadrodd dwy o'r rhai cynharaf a mwyaf iasol.
Yn 'Canon Alberic’s Scrap-book', mae hynafiaethydd ifanc o Gaergrawnt yn darganfod y diafol ym manylion hen lyfr mewn tref ganoloesol ym mynyddoedd y Pyreneau Ffrengig.
Yn 'The Mezzotint' gweithredir dial arswydus o fewn gwaith celf, o flaen llygaid diymadferth curadur amgueddfa yn Rhydychen…
***** 'Wonderful, magical storytelling' The Daily Mail
Robert Lloyd Parry presents Ghost Stories by M R James told by candlelight
Over a century after they were first published, the ghost stories of M R James retain their power to terrify and amuse.
This gripping one man show retells two of the earliest and eeriest.
In Canon Alberic’s Scrap-book, a young Cambridge antiquary discovers the devil in the details of an old book in a medieval town in the French Pyrenees…
In The Mezzotint a ghoulish revenge is enacted within a work of art, before the helpless eyes of a museum curator in Oxford…
***** Wonderful, magical storytelling The Daily Mail
Event Venue & Nearby Stays
Cross St, NP7 5HD Abergavenny, United Kingdom, Abergavenny, United Kingdom