A Higher Place - Oneness
Only by achieving a heightened sense of oneness between the self and the universe can new sounds and possibilities emerge.
With steady beats and melodies, intertwined layers of intricate textures, a hypnotic spatial interplay, and an abundance of new elements, this event weaves together multiple dimensions and logic in music.
This grand feast invites four distinct and dynamic musical artists to connect the past with the present, breaking boundaries to truly unite the old and the new.
23:00-00:30 Bo yin
00:30-02:00 DeforMaTion
02:00-03:30 Kaytseng
03:30-05:00 TZI
主視覺設計I Visual Design
舞台裝置藝術 Stage Installation Art
門票 : 700 NTD
日期| Date:2025/02/28(Fri | 五)
時間| Time:23:00- 05:00
地址 | Address:PIPE Live Music
100 臺北市臺北市思源街一號(思源街底橋下左轉,進入公館水岸廣場內
1. 請携帶有效身份證明文件以協助票口檢查
2. 為了協助警方打擊違禁物品和威脅公共安全的行為,嚴格禁止攜帶任何槍械、刀械、棍棒、毒品等物品進入活動現場。若被發現違規,將立即交由警方處理。
3. 嚴禁攜帶酒精性飲品入場。
4. 為了確保公眾安全,我們保留將那些需要驅離、酗酒、神智不清或不遵守活動規定而鬧事的人移離現場的權利。
Ticket Price: 700 NTD
Date: 2025/02/28 (Friday)
Time: 23:00–05:00
Venue: PIPE Live Music
Address: No. 1 Siyuan Street, Taipei City, Taiwan (Under the bridge at the end of Siyuan Street, turn left into Gongguan Riverside Plaza).
Event Guidelines:
1. Please bring valid identification for ticket verification.
2. To assist the police in combating prohibited items and ensuring public safety, any firearms, knives, batons, drugs, or other illegal items are strictly prohibited at the venue. Any violations will be reported to the police immediately.
3. Alcoholic beverages are strictly prohibited from being brought into the venue.
4. For public safety, we reserve the right to remove individuals from the venue if they are disruptive, intoxicated, incoherent, or fail to comply with event regulations.
Event Venue
PIPE Live Music, 臺北市思源街一號 (思源街底橋下左轉,進入公館水岸廣場內),Taipei, Taiwan