Our vision is to create the first monthly Social dedicated to our ever-growing community of “Casineros” Cuban-style partner dancers.
Bachata and Kizomba and a little more With Dj Julio Sabroso.
All that is Casino..With Dj Uba Guba. Gleb
Vamos 🎉 AGUARACHAR 🎉every second Friday of the Month.
At the door $15
At the door College Student Discount W/ID $12
At the door MIlitary Discount W/ID $12
💳 Card
Add $2 to prices above
💃🏻 Rueda Time🕺🏽
🛞 Rueda at 11:30 pm. Everyone is welcome to join. An example of the moves that will be called are ~ dame, enchufa, sombrero, siete, patín, adiós, etc
🤔Q: What does Rueda de Casino mean?
🤓A:Rueda de Casino literally means "casino wheel"and is a circle of couples dancing Cuban salsa figures, to the command of a caller in the circle.
Rueda Code of Etiquette for social Ruedas:
🤩The main thing to stress is that it should always be fun/no need to take offense if people want to work on complicated moves amongst themselves🤩.
👉Always watch a rueda before joining and ensure you know the moves being called.
👉If a rueda is above your level and you don’t recognize the calls do not join
👉Make eye contact with the caller (cantante) and wait for them to indicate you can join.�o Many advanced ruedas require even couples.�o The caller may be practicing very specific moves or combinations.�o If not invited, wait until the song has finished and ask the Cantante to call another at your level.
👉If you miss a move do not risk hurting your partner by rushing through the move, return to the basics and observe what others are doing. Get ready to catch the next call or partner change.
👉Do not bring a partner into the rueda who does not know rueda de casino!
Do not invite a partner to social dance and then join the rueda. Obtain consent from your partner before joining the rueda.
👉 Don’t leave the rueda mid-song unless you are leaving with a partner.
👉If your shoelace is loose shout “Cordones!” Everyone else can feel free to imitate typing their laces while you secure yours.
Event Venue
Carmen's Cuban Cafe, 108 Factory Shops Rd, Morrisville, NC 27560-8516, United States,Morrisville, North Carolina