Aaron Sorkin’s groundbreaking debut tells the story of a group of military lawyers assigned to defend two Marines in Guantanamo Bay. During the course of the trial, they uncover a high-level conspiracy designed to eliminate weaker soldiers in the name of patriotism. The Navy lawyer, a callow young man more interested in softball games than the case, expects a plea bargain and a cover-up of what really happened. Prodded by a female member of his defense team, the lawyer eventually makes a valiant effort to defend his clients and, in so doing, puts the military mentality and the Marine code of honor on trial.VIP Preview Night on May 22 at 7:30pm for Patreon supporters, sponsors, and special invitation only. Visit to join!
Directed by Glenn Weyler.
Event Venue & Nearby Stays
319 Lynn Street, Danville, VA, United States, Virginia 24541