This classic holiday tale centers on a mischievous, bespectacled boy, Ralphie, who dreams of getting a BB-gun for Christmas. In the weeks before the big holiday, Ralphie, his friends and his family get into all kinds of situations — including run-ins with a bully, a tongue stuck to a flag pole, a bar of soap in the mouth, a garish leg lamp, a major award and a Chinese Christmas dinner.The delightfully versatile score ranges from gentle ballads to show-stopping full-ensemble numbers such as "Ralphie to the Rescue!", "A Major Award," "Sticky Situation," "Up on Santa's Lap," "Somewhere Hovering Over Indiana" and the inevitable "You'll Shoot Your Eye Out!" A Christmas Story the Musical will bring an exciting new dimension to those who have seen the movie and will certainly stand on its own for those who haven't.
Event Venue & Nearby Stays
158 E Chubbuck Rd, Chubbuck, ID, United States, Idaho 83202, 158 E Chubbuck Rd, Pocatello, ID 83202-1877, United States,Chubbuck, Idaho